Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

In Australia there are Trade Practices and Consumer Law considerations. Taking preorder money after you know you are late is false and misleading conduct. Not sure how it works in Europe.

All I want to know is how late it will be so I can organise my date :p

Most online retailers in the UK dont charge until the pre order actually ships.
What the....? LATER this year now? Will this game ever release? Only been following it since 2010!!! :facepalm

There is nothing new in saying later this year.

PS: I think you posted in the wrong thread :p
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What is considered summer in australia? Hopefully its not december-february as google suggests :(
Anyway, back to our game - there is nothing clear other than that we will be out later this year, 2013.[/QUOTE

He is your quote in this thread.....guess i didnt get it wrong!

Wasn't saying you got it wrong, just saying there is nothing new in the info - it's been some time in 2013 for a while now hence I don't understand the :facepalm
Wasn't saying you got it wrong, just saying there is nothing new in the info - it's been some time in 2013 for a while now hence I don't understand the :facepalm

Because you have released cricket academy, some people just assume your final game will be just weeks after. This is what happens when you throw a dog a bone! If you don't keep throwing it back, the dog gets angry! ;)
When no release date is given, people just speculate and guess. Then when their guess turns out to be wrong, they scream bloody murder. Your in a no win situation mate.
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Because you have released cricket academy, some people just assume your final game will be just weeks after. This is what happens when you throw a dog a bone! If you don't keep throwing it back, the dog gets angry! ;)
When no release date is given, people just speculate and guess. Then when their guess turns out to be wrong, they scream bloody murder. Your in a no win situation mate.

I completely understand.

The choices are always to wait until near release and say nothing, which is generally what the big publishers do, or to converse with the community and build a game with that community rather than tell them what they are going to get. There are elements of the game that have changed because of feedback from here.

We can be agile once things are released, Cricket Academy has already been modified a number of times and had additions based on feedback from here. The downside is everyone wants it yesterday, and I do too, I cant wait for you guys to get the game! However, early release has a cost in quality - I want to build a franchise product, this is not a one time money-grab.
Ross, you have any information on how many people have downloaded CA? That might be hard since there has been updates to instead how many are registered with CA? And are you satisfied with the numbers?
Wasn't saying you got it wrong, just saying there is nothing new in the info - it's been some time in 2013 for a while now hence I don't understand the :facepalm

My comments relate to previous release dates as mentioned on your website...does summer 2010, Feb 2011 or summer 2011 ring any bells...? And i have followed your website and the big footy thread on the cricket game since 2010 so hopefully you can understand that when you say summer 2013 people will raise their eyebrows and say " here we go again!" Hence the :facepalm ......!
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Cool, but nothing has changed for quite a while and we have been on time with CA. Anyway, 2013 it is.
Practice. Real bowlers try to bowl a delivery, doesn't mean they will execute it. Better bowlers will be more accurate obviously... guess you will have to learn timings of control inputs to master deliveries.
As I've said a few times, while this is right, it's also true that a real bowler (with some exceptions) will rarely be so terrible that they will totally screw up a delivery.

That's been my objection to some of the worse implementation of the floating donut bowling schemes, which more or less made you fight the pitch marker to get it on the right side of the pitch - much less your intended line.

Basically, I hope the controls make it so that missing the ideal line and length doesn't throw the ball down to square leg, but instead deliver a good or okay ball that you're not going to take a wicket from, but aren't certainly going to the fence or making the keeper dive.
Our game has been trialled and played by Cricketers from local to first class - they claim its the best mechanism they've ever played, feels natural and gives the outcome they were expecting.
There are elements of the game that have changed because of feedback from here.
I don't know whether that is a good thing or not - because I am not sure how many of us who are assisting you with our thoughts and suggestions are real Cricketers while you are from a Cricket family with your staff being real Cricketers themselves. To give you an example I was always apprehensive about some of the suggestions like manual fielding/catching and the effect it could have on the animations and flow of the game with possible slow time events/games being implemented to assist the user with these but I will hope for the best!
However, early release has a cost in quality - I want to build a franchise product, this is not a one time money-grab.
Beautiful stuff - however I must correct you because there can be money-grab franchises too and indeed are existent.

I hope once your game comes out the ICC and the Cricket boards around the world will take notice of it and who knows your vision of the boards participating in Cricket game development may come true sooner than later... I mean this is the only thing which the BCCI does not have, they even have their own TV channel!
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