Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

It is a fantastic innovation. For the first time someone has implemented a way to get us watching the ball. If it works well it will be awesome.
Well I'm certainly looking forward to trying it. DBC seems to have a load of features I've been hoping to see in a cricket game for years, and a bunch more I'd never thought of.

It seems like a bit of a pipe dream to hope a successful series results, updated regularly with the sort of dev interaction we've seen on this forum in the last year, but you never know.
A ball marker fully visible throughout the bowler's run up is effectively simulating being a batsman with psychic powers though, so I'll be glad to try a control scheme with a new approach.

Exactly. If I observed the videos correctly, we can still follow the trajectory of the ball by means of the marker on the ball doesn't just get 'lost' in there. Moreover, I suppose, from the videos, that it works smoothly enough. Though obviously, nothing better than trying it with your own hands.
Yeah it's all about feel and responsiveness so we won't know until we try.

I'll be buying DBC and a gamepad the millisecond it releases for maximum efficiency.
Off topic, but looking forward to a great series, hope there's plenty of banter and some great cricket on show, hopefully won't be long til both the Ashes urn and DB14 are in English( or South African) hands!! C'mon England!!
^^^hope so, would love a 3-2 England win!! Ross I wonder if they'll be any new graphical ideas you may see on tv that you could implement in the next DB game or in dlc's in the future!!!!
Off topic (ish) but seeing the players up on TV you appreciate how good some of the creations in CA are. Very excited.
^^^hope so, would love a 3-2 England win!! Ross I wonder if they'll be any new graphical ideas you may see on tv that you could implement in the next DB game or in dlc's in the future!!!!

I heard about this new live snicko system they are going to introduce in line with the hot spot for Review system. I hope if successful BigAnt do implement in future DLC, or in the sequel.
We have Big Ears, better than Snicko :p
02:25 am in S.A time and I'm up watching the Ashes

Ross, weren't you gonna use the Gabba match to advertise DBC14? On advertising boards maybe

TBH, I woke up to see if the trailer won't go up on the screen for the surprise of everyone
I remember it bein said that appealing too much will put you out of favour, broady would be in deep poop already!!!! Warners great to watch, great start! Wondered if any barmy army/ fanatics chants will make it into the game??


We have Big Ears, better than Snicko :p

Looking forward to seeing all that and more soon Ross!!! Any plans to show any screen shots/ graphics this week, just so people can see what they're missing with the other game!!! , plenty of salt and rub it in!!!
You guys are in for a treat at tea, the 12th mans gonna be out in the middle with mark Nicholas on channel 9!!
Forgive me if this has been asked before but is there anyway of editing commentary? as in replacing the disc commentary files with your getting commentary of youtube and editing that into sound files and putting that into the game?

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