Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

I was always a fan of the early September filter. If you wanted to write out early September it was always easier just to write "early September", if you know what I mean...
Nope, the game needs more cut scenes, get the sticky ping pong balls out again get back in the mocap studio spend a few months in there. Scrap all the gameplay who needs that. I want to see batters acting like pork chops when they get a century for their state side :P.
Ross---Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Gameplay with -BARS video has very good and crystal clear pitch wear and the ground looks awesome with greenery ,while in play session videos it doesn't look the same , is this because of video quality recorded , can u give us different pitch wear available in the game. :)
I would be interested to know from those that went to the play session or the guys at Big Ant could answer. What are the weather/pitch setup options. Is it automatic for career and do stadium locations influence it?
Ross---Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Gameplay with -BARS video has very good and crystal clear pitch wear and the ground looks awesome with greenery ,while in play session videos it doesn't look the same , is this because of video quality recorded , can u give us different pitch wear available in the game. :)

Well, it appears we have yet another multi-thread poster...
Locations determine weather patterns. MikeM would have to answer the questions on Career.
could ashes 2013 possibly be the worst game made ever....gee I bet they were glad they took the extra time to get it right (sarcasm). Can anyone tell me how a game released on steam could possibly impact on retail franchises eg. EB games- especially when it comes to console games.
Email Response: 505 Games

Below is an email thread between myself and 505 games, I guess emailing steam for a refund or to try getting the game off their servers would be good:) scroll to the bottom and read up:)

Hi Rizwan,

Thank you for contacting 505 Games Technical Support.
We are sorry to hear you are not happy with your purchase of Ashes Cricket 2013.

We will certainly pass on your feedback to the development team, so they can investigate these issues you have mentioned.

Regarding a refund, I'm afraid I will have to ask you to contact the point of purchase, which in this case would be Steam.
All refunds are handled between seller and buyer.

Michael D.
505 Games Technical Support

Dear 505 Games,
I just wanted to say, I was one of the fools who purchased your Ashes
Cricket 2013 from Steam yesterday...
Not only is the game extremely buggy, the graphics, gameplay and a lot of
the content, even the commentary seems rushed, and repetitive...The
animations are silly, and I wanted to know, how on earth can repuatable
company like yourself endorse, publish such garbage...
How can you charge money in this day and age for that? This is not the
future of cricket, it is in fact worse than most cricket games that have
ever been released...
Why have you brought the sport of cricket in disrepute by allowing the
release of such a farce in the name of cricket?
Please can I have my money back, or at least tell me what the procedure is
to obtain a refund?
^ Not to sound rude, but you've yourself to blame here. There were so many hints sprayed all around the forums to know it would be a waste of money.
^ Not to sound rude, but you've yourself to blame here. There were so many hints sprayed all around the forums to know it would be a waste of money.

But you have got to mail them to let them know how disappointed you are and how utterly poor the quality is...:)
I know Aspirin, hence, why I put "I am a fool for buying it..."

But they should still know how utterly rubbish the game is...

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