Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

Write Prose... ;)

Well you asked for it ;)

Bend down all, wiggle your butts
Run fools run, Dance like nuts

Comedy and cricket all in one
DBC 14 can never be this fun

Enjoy all else, just don't mind cricket
Ashes 2013 is WIP of blind cricket

"All that and more" is all on the way
Fielder with eyes, batsmen not gay
I think an important thing to remember is this isn't Cricket Simulator 2014.

It's a console game aimed at a broader market that is going to have some elements that are absolutely not "true to life" for a variety of reasons. Some of those reasons being playability, entertainment and sheer logistics.

You're going to have things (bowler speeds for one) that are simply not going to reflect reality, because that would be impossible for the majority of us to play the game. Your most ELITE players in the world struggle to face bowlers of 140kph and above, so you don't want that stuff in the game because it wouldn't be fun.

It NEEDS to be accessible to everyone to survive and be a success. A lot of the (valid) issues you raise would affect the 1% of gamers who frequent this forum, so you're talking about a very small percentage indeed.

Best thing to remember in ANY cricket game you're going to have elements that are not going to be "Match Realistic" because it's a GAME. Not the real thing... needs to live in it's own space and be accessible to everyone.

Go too far in either direction, that's when you loose both parties. BigAnt seem to have, from what I can tell, found that middle-ground absolutely spot on.
^ Was about to reply but was thinking about the content. Couldn't have made a better point than that.
^ Was about to reply but was thinking about the content. Couldn't have made a better point than that.

Your avatar is nearly sending me epileptic....
...imagine how the Batsman felt. 1's and 0's hurt too, y'know?
I think it's great Sibi is thinking about the game in such detail, even if a lot of what he said can't be appreciated by us until we have played the game in detail.

I was thinking about stuff too (always a sign of trouble)...

I?d love in future versions if we got an extended version of the marker around the ball.

E.g. in one of the play session videos Mikey I think explains how the colour marker around the ball in the air when bowled gives clues about whether the ball is short/full, and also it?s line, which I said before is great because at last we will be watching the ball rather than the pitch.

What if this was extended further to give more information depending on the skills of the batsman (e.g. you get the length info sooner or later depending on batsman?s skill, some batsman can see the swing/spin direction easier than others etc.), and also change (give more information, or the same info earlier) as the batsman gets in, to give the feeling of starting to ?see it big?? you could also have the bowler?s skill impact what information is given ? e.g. which way the ball is spinning, so some bowlers can disguise a googly better than others.

This way, every batsman/bowler combo gives you a slightly different experience, you will really feel the difference between facing an opening bowler or a part timer, and batting with a top-order or tail ender. But at the same time, it?s still a game artifice that can be picked up easily ? and perhaps you could tweak the effects by difficulty level?
I'm not sure how my comments reflected my attitude but I can tell this, I love logic and programming. I'm interested in knowing how far realism can be brought into games through programming. There are restrictions and I learn by debating.
Who knows, I might start a gaming company in the future and all this debate esp. with Ross explaining, it could help me too.
I didn't share those points because I think it MUST be in the game but because I want to know how far a game can go. Its an obsessive interest mate, nothing negative.
I'm here because there are people who are more knowledgeable than me, otherwise I wouldn't be here in the first place.

I'm not sure how my comments reflected my attitude but I can tell this, I love logic and programming. I'm interested in knowing how far realism can be brought into games through programming. There are restrictions and I learn by debating.
Who knows, I might start a gaming company in the future and all this debate esp. with Ross explaining, it could help me too.
I didn't share those points because I think it MUST be in the game but because I want to know how far a game can go. Its an obsessive interest mate, nothing negative.
I'm here because there are people who are more knowledgeable than me, otherwise I wouldn't be here in the first place.


Then I want to be a part of your game company;)
Great suggestions Sibi :thumbs
It is feed back like these that has helped in betterment of the game. If I am not wrong nets were only added after the community requested Ross.
That said it is too late to add anything to the game now, but Ross has always appreciated suggestions .
Great Suggestions Sibi.

I`m all for realism , and some of the points you have shown , are very easy to implemement and will add to the realism effect. I for one get a big A$$cramp each time I see a bowler manically rushing back to the stump after each ball bowled . Its just not realistic. Ive been playing this sport for 23 years , and are still playing premier league Club cricket , and feel that as much realism as can be fitted should be allowed .

If its too late now for these changes to be done , bear them in mind after we have all playtested the game for couple of months , and then after listening to all the feedback , sift through it and bring out some very well deserved updates , something I heard you guys are strong on.
Perhaps i am wrong, but i'm sure one of the big sticky points with games is to do with the AI's programming. I'm sure there is only so much logic and programming that can go into the AI before someone exploits it. I suppose, the only way for games to advance beyond its current status is for the AI to learn as it goes along E.g. Adapt to the situation and play according to its own decision and not what has been pre-programmed before hand.

Great suggestions Sibi.

PS. Come to think of it, are their any games out there that come close to replicating the above I.e. learning as the game goes along and does not go along any scripts? (I can't think of any).
Now nothing to worry about competition BIG ANT GO ON........This Christmas.

Announce the release date, Cricket fans are dying for 1 cricket game:)
Some good ideas, I'd imagine anything that isn't in the game or "doesn't look right" is due to it simply not being possible to implement from either a budget point of view or technical! On AC the only thing that looked ok was the bowling speed but with that you know where the ball will land so can just play the shot as it leaves bowlers hand, in this game you have to watch the ball so reacting to the "tells" would be impossible off the quicker guys.

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