Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

Unless this reliable source knows more than perhaps Chief does!:p

I would trust that if the Chief says it's the 21 June then I would take him at his word.
Well then I need to apologise as I was told by a normally reliable source that the game hadn't submitted yet.

Unless this reliable source knows more than perhaps Chief does!:p

Last we heard Ashes Cricket 2013 was going through testing before being submitted for platform approvals. And we didn't hear anything since so Ross your source could be right... unless the testing was part of fixing bugs that were reported by platform holders when the game was originally submitted for approvals.
I agree with you. There is domestic season to follow as well.

Requesting a flag meeting sir.

I really, really doubt it's going to be that late. Why does it have to coincide with something? The game has few licenses, cricket is played all round the world all through the year. If it's going to coincide with something it will be the Ashes UK tour and Champions Trophy. I think it means UK summer :P

He posted that the game was pretty much ready in February and said they can't change anything now. Why wait so long after CA was released?
Our game has been trialled and played by Cricketers from local to first class - they claim its the best mechanism they've ever played, feels natural and gives the outcome they were expecting.

There can be no public or limited Beta as we are past that point. Our timing will be dependent on how much the Ashes game is delayed.

No one said Aussie summer... Just summer.

If one looks at these posts from Ross, it's clear the game is all but ready and more or less waiting for platform approvals, and last we heard the game was pretty close to be submitted or may have been submitted already. I doubt the game will take a long time to ship once the approvals come through and IMO the game's much closer to being released. If the release was planned for Nov-Dec, I doubt Ross would have cancelled closed beta and mentioned the game's release being dependent on Ashes game release.
He should definitely consider a planet cricket closed beta for the next game! ;)

^When/where is that first quote from?
I really, really doubt it's going to be that late. Why does it have to coincide with something? The game has few licenses, cricket is played all round the world all through the year. If it's going to coincide with something it will be the Ashes UK tour and Champions Trophy. I think it means UK summer :P

He posted that the game was pretty much ready in February and said they can't change anything now. Why wait so long after CA was released?

Yes Ross did say that but Ross also said, " apart from you all knowing what we have been upto"...

The theory on release date is pretty simple;
  • Ross said he wishes to be certain about 505 Ashes release date so he can finalize Big Ant's date - now why should it make any difference when Ashes 13 releases if Big Ant's game is going to release first i.e sometime before June 21... this clearly implies that the game is either not in a position to release before Ashes 13 due to changes to some elements of the game based on our feedback or it was never intended to...

  • It is very much unlikey that the game is going to release a few days or weeks after Ashes 13 unless Ross is not targeting the casual Cricket fan at all or Ross believes it will not make any difference and the game will still sell.
  • The game could also come out around August as hinted by MattW if it indeed is Summer 2013 and not Australian Summer 2013
  • But if not it only leaves us with Australian summer and what makes this more of a possibility is the fact that the official website states Summer 2013 and Ross also recently posted it to be later this year..

PS- we don't know anything about licenses yet apart from this -
1 - Where Big Ant said they are licensing real world stadiums from across the world.

And another thing to ponder upon is if the game does not have Champions Trophy license then why is the name being kept under wraps? Big Ant do have a license. I'd love it if it was after Michael Hussey :yes
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He should definitely consider a planet cricket closed beta for the next game! ;)

^When/where is that first quote from?

From this thread :) To me local & 1st class cricketers playing the game was the closed beta. If that has already happened and public closed beta cancelled, why would the game be launched in Nov/Dec? I mean why would Big Ant sit on a nearly completed game for 6 months :eek:

I doubt Matt "hinted" about the Aug release :)
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I would much rather see Big Ant and 505 working together, to afford each other a window of opportunity for their games, say six months apart. Of course from a personal point of view I would like both games as soon as possible but from a sharing of the pie, a relatively small pie at that, it would be good for them both to succeed. However I am quite sure we will see both games round about the same time.
Ok decrypted Ross' hint for us. :)

It was more like how you can interpret vague information and reach your desired conclusion. That "decrypting" of game release date was more in jest than anything else :cheers


I would much rather see Big Ant and 505 working together, to afford each other a window of opportunity for their games, say six months apart. Of course from a personal point of view I would like both games as soon as possible but from a sharing of the pie, a relatively small pie at that, it would be good for them both to succeed. However I am quite sure we will see both games round about the same time.

One problem though... who goes first? I doubt either Big Ant or 505 Games would be willing to push back their release date and allow their competition a first shot at the market. I still think that for a niche gaming market like cricket, being first to hit the shelves is quite crucial. But yeah, as cricket gaming fans it would be great to see both titles be successful and turn into annual titles like Madden or FIFA :yes
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It was more like how you can interpret vague information and reach your desired conclusion. That "decrypting" of game release date was more in jest than anything else :cheers


One problem though... who goes first? I doubt either Big Ant or 505 Games would be willing to push back their release date and allow their competition a first shot at the market. I still think that for a niche gaming market like cricket, being first to hit the shelves is quite crucial.

I guess we are way to beyond that point and I know it isn't part of being in business. I could imagine that they could have talked to each other much earlier in the process and talked about what they were planning and how they could help each other. An illusion perhaps, but imagine that: both games releasing a new version each year, six months apart!

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