Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

The marker in nets is really good for figuring out what footwork/bat direction is needed for certain deliveries. Great teaching tool - not so great playing tool
Problem is, I turn it on and after about 4 or 5 deliveries I'm hooking or cutting them fine... then switch it back to random, incredibly difficult again!

...basically, like real cricket.
It's just like me in the nets against a bowling machine in real life. I get the ball in the same place and I feel like Don Bradman, hitting it with ease. When it comes to bowlers or variation in the bowling machine I'm back to Chris Martin and Tavare, although I'm slightly better than that in these nets.
@BigAnt: Now I've played the nets beta a bit, I have to say that overall I'm very impressed, but it doesn't seem as though there are balls you should definitely play defensive to. Seems that as long as I get the footwork and shot choice right, everything goes fine.

In all fairness, I was forgetting that we're playing in the nets here, where there is no real seam or swing movement, neither are there any cracks; no balls that will misbehave. I'm sure out there on a pitch that's swinging and seaming all over the place, we'll have to be much more selective.

You're actually not wrong, fiction... I've always been a stronger player down the ground and off my legs. I find myself defaulting to those shots more and more and constantly trying to force myself into getting better on the offside and pull shots - which I'm terrible at...

That "back foot/front foot" selection really is key to replicating a realistic feel to batting. You simply can't lock-down the back foot or front foot button too early, because you need to move in the right area where the ball is pitching... and watch the ball.

It's addictive and challenging fun.

Nice to hear someone use the correct word instead of this 'addicting' nonsense that has crept into people's vocabulary recently. Is 'addicting' even a proper word?

The last PC Madden was Madden 08; and that was based on the PS2/Wii version, which meant that the "next-gen" stuff was exclusive to PS3/360. I can't imagine how awful it feels to play NBA 2k on a keyboard - it relies so much on both sticks that it must be awful!

Which is why the majority of PC gamers, or at least those who aren't being stubborn idiots, use a gamepad. Have a skim of the PC section in the Fifa forums and you'll only find a few people here and there crying about keyboard control. The sooner people outside of the PC world realise that it's a dead control method, the better - then we can put an end to the myth that the PC's controls aren't every bit as good as a console's.

I know the PC isn't really where it's at for all the sports games, but then again I'm not about to spend ?400 or so on a machine I'll probably only use for one or two games. Having said that, some of the mods made for Fifa for example are amazing; not only do they do a lot for the graphics, they also massively improve the gameplay.

If I spend that money on my PC, I can turn it into a machine that will piss on any game for a good few years at least. Basically, it comes down to spending loads of money for two or three games, or loads of money for my entire PC games collection. ;)


Why would you invest heavily into the product when people are just going to pirate it or buy a ridiculously cheap key.

Ridiculously cheap key... well you obviously didn't see what they were charging for the Fifa 14 keys - barely any difference to buying a hard copy which is what I did.

And don't bring up the piracy shit again. As I've said before many times, if companies were so worried about piracy, then why do the majority of the AAA games release on PC? The Call of Dutys, the Battlefields, the Bioshocks, the Mass Effects and the Fifas to name but a few; and we all know GTA V will crop up on the PC before too long? None of them are 'watered down', with the exception of Fifa and that's down to EA's assertion that not enough PCs can run Ignite - nothing to do with piracy. People seem to be happy to play the piracy card against PC gamers, but no one seems to be able to answer that question.

PC Gaming Piracy On the Decline, Says Industry Head | News - Digital Digest

Interesting read there.

Sorry for the massive off topic, but it pisses me off when all PC gamers are labelled as goddamn criminals!
i mentioned the other day, I set the marker just to work on cuts and hooks, and it's like a different game, knowing where it's gonna land and just creaming it every time. go back to without the marker and really having to watch the ball. makes a huge difference, and is a fantastic innovation. as has been said before it just makes you wonder why other games didn't think of this.

It will get me in trouble, maybe, but Cricket games have been playing it safe for generations, that is the reason. Even MF said they were "a safe pair of hands" = no risk, no evolution, no change.
It will get me in trouble, maybe, but Cricket games have been playing it safe for generations, that is the reason. Even MF said they were "a safe pair of hands" = no risk, no evolution, no change.

Any news on what the Legacy Mode is???
Ross, is it possible to come down the track and defend the ball? I've been trying using Defensive shot and down the wicket shot triggers together but batsmen still slogs it.
Ross, is it possible to come down the track and defend the ball? I've been trying using Defensive shot and down the wicket shot triggers together but batsmen still slogs it.

No it isnt. Atleast not in the nets.
It will get me in trouble, maybe, but Cricket games have been playing it safe for generations, that is the reason. Even MF said they were "a safe pair of hands" = no risk, no evolution, no change.

Well thanks for showing the bravery to change things. This is how batting should be!

To clarify one thing: I've noticed it's possible to move the batsman's head - does that mean you look around at the field before playing a shot in the full game?
To clarify one thing: I've noticed it's possible to move the batsman's head - does that mean you look around at the field before playing a shot in the full game?
Yes. There's a button to hold down to do it, plus it's limited in time before the bowler starts running in, to avoid time wasting in multiplayer.
Plus its only relevant for the Pro cam really.

No its not, LT/L2 lets you get in first person mode and look around the field for any camera mode, you just wont need to press the button (i assume) when you are using pro cam.
What is everyone's general consensus regarding the ball trail and circle around the ball?

I've played both ways, and it is substantially easier with the assistance.

Do you think we would get a substantially better gamepaly experience without the assistive markers, or would it be better to stick with them in real gameplay as to fully enhance the enjoyment of the game?

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