Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

I'm not "loving" it, just really surprised because this is not miscommunication it's misleading conduct.

I have posted the timelines here before... It generally takes 2+ months from first submission to get to the shelf if you have a strong build. Ashes 2013 has not submitted and doesn't look close, therefore it has been known ages ago that it had slipped.

The choice is rush out a game because of the attached license or finish the game properly.

It does me no favors whatsoever to have a bad game on the market, I already have many people distrust our game because of the track record of previous Cricket titles, another would be a real blow, especially since it holds the Ashes license. It's a pox on all our houses.

So we can expect game near 2 months...Aug 15 may be good in we celebrate our independence day with release of big ant cricket
I'm not "loving" it, just really surprised because this is not miscommunication it's misleading conduct.

I have posted the timelines here before... It generally takes 2+ months from first submission to get to the shelf if you have a strong build. Ashes 2013 has not submitted and doesn't look close, therefore it has been known ages ago that it had slipped.

The choice is rush out a game because of the attached license or finish the game properly.

It does me no favors whatsoever to have a bad game on the market, I already have many people distrust our game because of the track record of previous Cricket titles, another would be a real blow, especially since it holds the Ashes license. It's a pox on all our houses.

I remember having read that Microsoft and Sony have got a general idea of what is going to be in their game so the approvals may not take so long. I think they will try and get their game out by July 10. I guess no one knows what if they miss that date too.

Anyway, don't you think it is time now that you gave us a name for the game so we can create a Facebook page at least to generate awareness.
On a completely different tangent; Ross you don't tweet enough. Certainly the Big Ant twitter should really be FULL of these incredible player cards I'm tweeting, mostly of me... lets be fair, who wouldn't want to retweet that handsome visage?

Following on for that, if you could possibly dedicate more time to this forum, beta CA updates and less on your family and attending sports events that would be great.

Also more screengrabs...

On a completely different tangent; Ross you don't tweet enough. Certainly the Big Ant twitter should really be FULL of these incredible player cards I'm tweeting, mostly of me... lets be fair, who wouldn't want to retweet that handsome visage?

Following on for that, if you could possibly dedicate more time to this forum, beta CA updates and less on your family and attending sports events that would be great.

Also more screengrabs...


Yep, I don't tweet nearly enough...

I was reading and posting here between goals but clearly you saw through this ruse - I'll try and lift my game...
Im just curious Ross as to whether or not you know the release date if its set even tho you cant tell us.
Im just curious Ross as to whether or not you know the release date if its set even tho you cant tell us.

We do know when we want to release, and we have got the retailers on board, however the date is not yet set as it is a matter of making sure we maximise our sales - it's a complex decision with the two Ashes, competition, and the new consoles being released already effecting the prices of the games.

I have had a bit of fun stirring things up with my sig but the reality is that I have spent millions making this game and we need to get the release timing right.
Well if the game is as good as it sounds, it will be more than worth the wait.
...but the reality is that I have spent millions making this game and we need to get the release timing right.

Whipped up a new sig for you...




  • ReleaseDate.png
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This game could sell well in India only if all those local sellers are thrashed though. I'm honestly worried about this game's future in India, it'll do decently, but the majority wouldn't bother paying well for this game and they'll instead pirate it or buy it locally.

I know I'm sort of derailing this thread, but still felt like posting that. I hope that the edited stuff could only be accessed by a legal copy, that's the only way this game could sell well as it'll force the lazy to buy I guess.
We do know when we want to release, and we have got the retailers on board, however the date is not yet set as it is a matter of making sure we maximise our sales - it's a complex decision with the two Ashes, competition, and the new consoles being released already effecting the prices of the games.

I have had a bit of fun stirring things up with my sig but the reality is that I have spent millions making this game and we need to get the release timing right.

I may be a bit off the mark but wouldn't an early release date in time for the first Ashes series, or at least when the series is going on, be the best way to maximize sales? I mean you release the game in time for 1st Ashes series you will get two shots at selling the game - once during the English Ashes and second time during the Aussies Ashes later this year and you may even have a DLC (paid or otherwise) for the 2nd Ashes series to sell more copies.

Also, given that the next gen consoles (PS4 and Xbox 720) may go on sale holiday season this year, some people may well decide not to purchase current gen games (at least not the cricket one), which again makes the "earlier the better" case for a release date. Am I missing something Ross?
This game could sell well in India only if all those local sellers are thrashed though. I'm honestly worried about this game's future in India, it'll do decently, but the majority wouldn't bother paying well for this game and they'll instead pirate it or buy it locally.

I know I'm sort of derailing this thread, but still felt like posting that. I hope that the edited stuff could only be accessed by a legal copy, that's the only way this game could sell well as it'll force the lazy to buy I guess.

I am afraid but you are totally right there!!
Is there anyway they could stop the development for the game's crack, maybe only being able to access the game online. I think there have been some games who had done it before, GTAIV may be?
Online features are a necessity in this game, almost everyone has to download the correct teams/tournaments, so would it really affect the game sales that much if it had 'only accessible through online' feature?
Issue is you don't want to "SimCity" your userbase and make the game disk an expensive coffee coaster by restricting a bunch of features to online-only. I prefer to play games offline and/or on the move... I doubt I'm in the minority...

Online-only DRM is a poison that needs to be eradicated...

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