...and this is exactly the heart of the issue. Why should Person A in England pay $89.99 for a game and Person B in India pay $18?! Sure, taxes and different economies play a HUGE part in that but the argument of "well, they need to penetrate the market here therefore make it cheap" falls apart when the price Person B is paying doesn't even cover the basic development costs of the game - which would lead to the exact situation we're in now of four years without a cricket game because it sent everyone broke offering it below cost. Lets not kid ourselves, it's about making money for these guys as much as it is making a good game and we as fans should SUPPORT it with our wallets, because we want these games to continue and the studios therefore to put more time, resource and money into any sequels.
There's actually more likely more money in it for the developer via online-based retail than in-store. Ross might need to weigh in on that, but I imagine the markups on printing physical discs, packaging and marketing in-store are all factors in the higher-price on disk. Whereas, digital download might be the way to go to get more bang for your buck in the sub continent market. That being said, you do make a ton more money when you have a big ol' Shane Warne standee sitting in EB games from the casual gamer...
Totally agree. If you want cheap games, you get cheap-looking/playing games. That's the crux of it really. You have to be prepared to pay a bit more for quality. That's life.