Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

I honestly don't think Big Ant will generate much profit at all from sub continental sales. It doesn't really matter how many copies are sold when they are being sold for peanuts as opposed to the price the rest of the world is paying.

I agree....India is anyways not a giant for the gaming industry!!! Just because Cricket is a passion here does not mean 'Gaming' is as big a passion!! Gaming has just started to pick up in India over the last 2-3 years!! Before that people were just happy playing old media (32bit) games! It would take a few years for the Indians to be considered as hardcore gamers. The good thing is that the current generation and the newer generation is into gaming now.....and India has a history of growing into a lucrative retail market pretty rapidly...and my guess is once that does happen, you would see more equality in prices (maybe)
I have worked at McDonalds and I used to get Rs 20 per hour which is Rs 160 for an eight hour shift so I guess it balances out for them. Was a few years ago though, no idea what people are getting these days. Anyway I don't agree with my fellow members from India on pricing - the game will still be pirated, the few suggestions I can give is to have some sort of protection - only is should not just be for online but for SP too and make the game graphically very demanding and delay releasing the PC version in India.
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I have worked at McDonalds and I used to get Rs 20 per hour which is Rs 160 for an eight hour shift so I guess it balances out for them. Was a few years ago though, no idea what people are getting these days. Anyway I don't agree with my fellow members from India on the pricing - the game will still be pirated, the few suggestions I can give is to have some sort of protection - only is should not just be for online but for SP too and make the game graphically very demanding and delay releasing the PC version in India.

We are not talking about piracy here :p!!

We are talking about the variation in pricing of games between different countries!
I have worked at McDonalds and I used to get Rs 20 per hour which is Rs 160 for an eight hour shift so I guess it balances out for them. Was a few years ago though, no idea what people are getting these days. Anyway I don't agree with my fellow members from India on pricing - the game will still be pirated, the few suggestions I can give is to have some sort of protection - only is should not just be for online but for SP too and make the game graphically very demanding and delay releasing the PC version in India.

I would certainly disagree with delaying the game's release in India. Though you could earn a few more bucks out of it, its a total turn off for the consumers. Bad option.
We are not talking about piracy here :p!!

We are talking about the variation in pricing of games between different countries!

Well we haven't heard much from Ross on both piracy and pricing, it would be nice to have his point of view as well. Ross always knows best!

I would certainly disagree with delaying the game's release in India. Though you could earn a few more bucks out of it, its a total turn off for the consumers. Bad option.

Those who want it badly can purchase it online. It won't hurt the rest who probably don't know even know about the game and can pick it up later too.
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Comparing Indian economy to other countries economy is ridiculous. There's a reason why games sold here are cheap. Must people here would dare to shell out anything more than Rs 1000 for a PC game, let alone 3000. Assuming the game target is teenage students, no one would be able to afford a game of their own money anything more than 1.5k because of the huge economy difference. Heck, even I wouldn't be able to afford a 1.5k game unless I find some job but then again I am yet to go college. That's why I have started publishing Android apps to start saving for games. I am sure I am not the only one in this country who is going in same or even worse situation. This is the major reason why most majority would pirate if they can't find job, thanks to our corrupted leaders where job opportunities are less to none.


PS: I have heard that GTA IV did very well on sales here because it was sold for Rs 499. Anyone got its sales figure?
If 60$ is what is being charged then I have no other go but sit on the sidelines and watch you guys play your heartful. I don't earn as yet, I'm just a student; when I do I wouldn't have much time for playing games.

If 1$ for one hour at my gaming centre is what it takes, I'l be happy doing that weekly once.

The highest I had paid was Rs.700 maybe, before Mass Effect 3 released. I would say Mass effect is more closer to me than cricket is anyday. But if hadn't Rs.1299 anywhere higher, I don't think I would have bought that. I had to empty my pocket for that. I had to reduce my diet outside my house. I even hardly went outside.

If you guys still don't get the point of being middle class in India then please don't come up loose statements. Its sorta offensive too.
That assumes they would profit. It costs a whole lot up front to distribute it, with no guarantee it will work.

I agree....even I dont think India is a very lucrative market for a cricket game (at the moment), as most of the hardcore sports gamers here are heavily into Fifa, rather than into cricket games! If you just compare the fifa threads at IVG over any cricket game thread, you would know what I am talking about! But a lot of that also has to do with the fact that there have not been any good cricket games at all!!! Specially in this generation, it is very important to have a robust online system for a sports game to be able to generate the interest levels that it wishes to, as almost everyone plays these sports games (atleast in the gaming community I know of in India) online. The last cricket game that we played for long in IVG was Ashes 09, and even in that people started to lose interest as everyone eventually learnt the trick to come down the track and hit a six no matter where the bowler bowled, thus it became boring and unfair, as there was no sense of 'real cricket' in that game!

Thats where I see BigAnt has the opportunity to change everything!! This game, based on what we have heard so far, is truly what we call a next gen game, that provides the depth of gameplay that the hardcore gamers crave for these days! I am also excited by the fact this this game features a co-op online mode as well, which will enable more people to join in a match and thus increase the fun! EVERYTHING in this game seems like a formula for success! I have high hopes from this game, and if it fails, it would break my heart! This is the game we all had been dreaming of, this is the kind of game that would bring people back to cricket gaming! I just hope everything works in favour of this game, and that it becomes for cricket, what Fifa has become for Football!!!
Less than a meal for two at McDonalds in your country!! Over here a Mcdonald meal for two can also be Rs. 40 (happy price menu :p) to Rs.400 (full on combos)!

...and what is "my country?"

Easy tiger. I'm not where you think I am.

I love the assumption I haven't been to India. This is a neat game to play. Pick another country and tell me where I haven't been... lol...

Last time I visited Mumbai a Big Mac combo cost me about... rs160 give or take, I can't remember exactly, but it worked out to be about $3. There's a lot less tax on fast food in India than other countries, along with lower staff wages, hence the cheaper price. All the food is produced locally, aside from a few condiments that are produced overseas... which, again, all adds up to the lower price.

The Big Ant game is NOT made in India. Not created under those market environments and therefore, has to be measured on an international level. A price for a Big Mac Combo where I'm based, is (about) $6 give or take. In Australia or England, the price is substantially higher - nearer $10. Why? Because of local-salaries and food production costs, taxes and so on.

Why am I talking about Big Macs?

Because you have to measure this stuff on an equal playing field. If the game is produced in Australia, it has to meet Australian sales expectations. Pure and simple. Pricing the game at rs1000 does not, in any way, cover any of those costs.

My word of the day again; Perspective.


PS: I have heard that GTA IV did very well on sales here because it was sold for Rs 499. Anyone got its sales figure?

Yeah, we can stop comparing any Cricket game to GTA or any of the other big studio games now, thanks. If you don't understand why that argument is completely and totally irrelevant please go back a few pages and/or just don't bother. Because they're are TOTALLY different beasts.
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[/COLOR]PS: I have heard that GTA IV did very well on sales here because it was sold for Rs 499. Anyone got its sales figure?

I was one of them.
GTA and Rs.499 was enough for me to pick it up without second thoughts. Same went for Ashes 09.
Not that I wouldn't have bought Ashes, but certainly I should waited for 2-3 months to save so much extra.
If you guys still don't get the point of being middle class in India then please don't come up loose statements. Its sorta offensive too.

Dont take it to your heart bro!!! As long as the people who matter understand the economy here, there is nothing to be worried about!! We will get the games as per our make hay while the sun shines :cheers:!
If 60$ is what is being charged then I have no other go but sit on the sidelines and watch you guys play your heartful. I don't earn as yet, I'm just a student; when I do I wouldn't have much time for playing games.

If 1$ for one hour at my gaming centre is what it takes, I'l be happy doing that weekly once.

The highest I had paid was Rs.700 maybe, before Mass Effect 3 released. I would say Mass effect is more closer to me than cricket is anyday. But if hadn't Rs.1299 anywhere higher, I don't think I would have bought that. I had to empty my pocket for that. I had to reduce my diet outside my house. I even hardly went outside.

If you guys still don't get the point of being middle class in India then please don't come up loose statements. Its sorta offensive too.


Most guys here are ignorant about the conditions in India and yet they keep speaking loudly about things they don't know. Thinking western economy and Indian economy are equal is pure wrong.
Not spot on! You people have the money to buy costly computers and internet services but somehow not for a game is what I find hard to understand.

Most guys here are ignorant about the conditions in India and yet they keep speaking loudly about things they don't know. Thinking western economy and Indian economy are equal is pure wrong.

How I wish the English hadn't colonized India. We would been the richest country, and wouldn't have had a shitty government. And finally wouldnt need to be hearing people talk like this.

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