Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

Gas anyone been in contact with eb games as to why they've removed it from the shelves?? They must have had some instruction!!
We pay for the boxes, expecting to release on Boxing day we purchased November, December.
I thinks something big is happening has anyone else noticed that all pre order boxes and advertising of dbc14 have been removed from shelves

Let's not get over excited here. It happened at just the one store. The reason could be anything, but let's not over hype the situation.

Edit: Gotta type faster.
lol at anyone thinking it cancelled, people have played a version that passed Sony certification.
About to be replaced with the new ones with a release date on them?

You'd hope so, although this has been happening for not far off 3 weeks now. I mentioned it on Big Ant Forums back then, just now it's being reported in what seems like a lot more stores.

It could be that they're sending out all new A1 posters of Don Bradman and replacements for the other promotional materials, but not sure why they wouldn't just send out a smaller thin banner with the printing of the release date across it?

I guess it's just one of those "wait 9 days and find out" situations.

Personally, my guess is that EB have possibly just said to their stores to promote something else in the meantime, keep the materials and put them back out when a release date is confirmed. I definitely think it's anything but cancelled.

Annnd in the time it took me to type all that Ross has popped in to already clarify things, lol.
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lol at anyone thinking it cancelled, people have played a version that passed Sony certification.

i know you can't spend your time responding to every little quiver regarding the release, but are you able to confirm that things are still on course for release date announcement this month?
I was in my local EB yesterday contemplating some impulse purchase (then I remembered my pile of shame I should work through first). DBC14 boxes are still there. It did disappeared, but now back.

For what it's worth.
i know you can't spend your time responding to every little quiver regarding the release, but are you able to confirm that things are still on course for release date announcement this month?

I have publishing partners and they must be involved of course in any announcement, nothing has changed from my point of view, nothing calamitous has happened between "then" and now.
I was thinking of this earlier and I understand if you can't answer. Ross, do TruBlu, Bradman Foundation etc lurk on these forums? Perhaps keeping an eye on you haha

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