Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

It's a small sample size, and I'm not trying to prove a point that the edges are fine - it's just that I've seen a few people complain that they only get one after hundreds of deliveries and I've had it multiple times in Career mode where I've taken a couple of batsmen caught behind within a few overs of each other. I thought I'd post vids these times to show that it is possible, and what types of delivery produced them, I'm not trying to prove anything scientifically :).

I agree that it could still do with some tweaking, although it would need to be balanced to still allow the AI to post reasonable scores without being skittled out mostly caught behind for next to nothing.

The physics system in place seems more than capable of producing the thick edges towards the 3rd slip-gully region, as I have been dismissed this way in Career mode a few times and they looked quite realistic - I've just never seen those types of edges against the AI or even online where people use much more highly rated batsmen.

100% agreed about player momentum and reactions which you've covered a few times, definitely needs work although this will probably be for a next iteration rather than updates to this one.

I've noticed the AI running very cautiously in FC games, if a fielder is anywhere near picking up the ball they just won't run, and they will sprint/dive unnecessarily when they could just walk into the crease without danger.

Well, as Alberts said this is a small sample size so I wouldn't call myself an expert :p

What I usually do though is use the pitch if possible (aim for cracks), move around the crease, mix up the delivery types occasionally, and mostly bowl a good length. Not sure what else to say really - I just bowl how I would in real life to be honest.

That's the whole issue, and why it's so hard to balance for them. Any part of getting more edges from the AI needs to be done with them being more solid in other departments as well. It's a hard balancing act with the AI, but that's part of making a cricket game and one they've still done better than anyone else in recent memory.

Overall I tend to get a few edges too, it's about 2-3 (closer to 2) out of 10 dismissals usually. To be completely honest there are plenty going to first slip, and a few off to second, but the issue is that the keeper just powers across them. I've now starting setting fields without first slip (having second slip) as there is literally no purpose to them whatsoever, they are a spectator, anything they could ever possibly take is covered by the keeper.
I've now starting setting fields without first slip (having second slip) as there is literally no purpose to them whatsoever, they are a spectator, anything they could ever possibly take is covered by the keeper.

Yep - I have (sadly) done that for a long time now. If I choose to field n career mode and I am at first slip, I usually get myself a drink, read the forums etc whilst over is played out as I know I am a spectator

more AI edges (in quantity and variety) means AI must play less aerial in general. Perhaps dropping the odd slip catch will help in them posting competitive scores. AI pacing needs improving also etc etc
If I choose to field n career mode and I am at first slip, I usually get myself a drink, read the forums etc whilst over is played out as I know I am a spectator

You avoid simulating to your career player :eek: How much time do you have on your hands :p
You avoid simulating to your career player :eek: How much time do you have on your hands :p


I sim fielding almost exclusively. Not just because it's dull, but because I record every match I play. There would be humongous 7 hour recordings in there otherwise!
Things that need editing

1. Super human bowlers as fielders
2. Superhuman fielders while catching and the same fielder walking towards a grounded shot or letting it go cms away from him
3. The amount of distance a fielder covers
4. AI batting needs a some fixing
5. Bowling is generally good but i havent been setup for a dismissal yet
You avoid simulating to your career player :eek: How much time do you have on your hands :p

lol, it's not often and only when I am bowling at the other end. I sometimes do it last few overs of a match too if close, to feel part of the action :D
If the fielding controls were a bit slicker and I had a bit more opportunity to get into the game I reckon I'd be quite happy doing a fair bit of career fielding.

Guys, I am formatting my computer and want to know if my game progress will be saved and will I be able to retrieve my game progress when reinstalling DBC14 on my computer. I am using Steam bought game. If not, what can I do to backup my game progress and restore it again.

Thanks. :)
Guys, I am formatting my computer and want to know if my game progress will be saved and will I be able to retrieve my game progress when reinstalling DBC14 on my computer. I am using Steam bought game. If not, what can I do to backup my game progress and restore it again.
Copy the My Games\Don Bradman Cricket 14 folder from your Documents folder, and put it back there on the new machine.
India creates history

:mad :noway

I played a test match on pro with SA as me against India in delhi park

Batted first , i played some 15 overs lost my patience and simulated and the score went to 551/5 :D

I am basically very much interested in bowling, started bowling with patience and got it working :thumbs , i was bowling like a champion and got them struggling at 147/7 :clap

Tahir picking 4 wickets, steyn 2 and morkel 1

Dhoni and Ashwin joined hands and the score went to 287/7 :mad , i bowled a beauty with steyn to remove ashwin and dhoni in succession. 289/9

Ishant and bhuvaneswar added some 25 runs and the final score was 312 allout

2nd innings, i didnt enforce the follow on since i felt the surface started becoming batting friendly :eek:, so decided to bat again

Batted for 15 overs and simulated, the scoring rate was good, scorecard kept ticking and finally i wanted to bat on 3rd day evening and flurry of wickets by some inept batting :facepalm , some sixes every now and then :D and some wickets as well at the end of 3rd day score was around 295/8 with a lead of 520 :yes

Come 4th day morning, first over ashwin i lost both my wickets :facepalm 301 allout :facepalm Target 526

I started bowling to them, i felt the surface was lot easier to bat on. :eek:. whenever i save the game and exit out i think the batting surface keeps changing with no footmarks at all :eek: is this a bug?

Kept taking wickets at regular interval, but the scoreboard kept ticking , there were some interesting moments in the match , tahir cant extract anything out of the pitch like first innings and finally india won the match :eek: :eek: with almost 10 overs spare on 5th day

for the first time ever i bowled more than 230 overs in a match :eek: :eek:
batted 30 overs :facepalm

Never mind the language, it will be like reading a telegram
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^ I think Matt's 3 smiley per post rule will debut much earlier than expected.
Should have quoted / italicized the keyword ;)
Played a new career where I am opening the batting. 2nd innings the AI opens with a spinner.

How is that slipping through the net? Just should not be happening

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