Don Bradman Cricket 14 General Discussion

If you can't afford it then don't buy but please be honest with the developers and programmers who put their life in making the games. They make a living out of it. Its just not ONLY ENTERTAINMENT for them. Understand this. Buy ORIGINAL. SAY NO TO PIRACY. Can't afford it,don't buy it.

Do go for your schooling at a right place your really bad at understanding
Please tell me this game will be released on xbox 360 in south africa
code: Standard pal. Please say it will because it sounds awesome
Ok, this may sound ridiculous but I would love speculating on how this would affect Cricket 14's release date. Assuming this game would have originally been out in September, three outcomes possible now:

1. No change in already decided release date: BA sticks to their plan and everything goes on as expected.

2. Release date moved ahead:
Pros: Winning over pre-orders of disgruntled AC13 fans. Possibly more sales considering they have a better game and people would want to have a cricket game after the AC13 debacle. Blessings of us folks at PlanetCricket :p
Cons: Not enough time for marketing maybe? Trickstar will have access to the game sooner and will have a possibility to "adjust" their own game accordingly (possibly highlighting shortcomings of Cricket 14 during their marketing campaign).

3. Release date pushed back (but of-course still before AC13 release):
Pros: Keep Trickstar guessing on how Cricket 14 will be until its too late for them to do anything about it (see the point above). Possibly affect AC13 sales in a negative way since fans would have just bought a cricket game few weeks back and would not invest in another cricket game?
Cons: Risking sales since if both games were to release pretty close to each other, people might actually go for a licensed game (casual fans who don't understand lot of technicalities). Curse from the fans here at PlanetCricket :mad

Any other points you people want to add? :p
I only found put about bac14 a month ago! Have finally caught up with this forum! I recently started playin ac09 again and its so bad. I will happily wait a few months for the game as long as its playable! Ross you're doing a great job and its great that you are so visable. Hope you're enjoying the ashes... ;)
Well said Pat, if I was ross I would not be worried to release say end of august if they can. If they do this they need to start the ball rolling sooner than later to get the word out about there game ASAP. PS Will ashes team play there game, sure will they use some of there ideas maybe, will they find faults with
bigant sure and maybe they don't make the same mistakes well maybe again.
Just remember after bigant release there game I bet they will keep improving in the months after release, bigant in 6 to 12 months time. Yes please.:clap

In the end I don't think ashes can hurt them to much at the moment because they keep shooting themselves over and over again. PS Let's hope ross tells us all this Friday what there plans are and we can go from there.:spy
Is there "Change of ball" for huge sixes out of stadium???

Damn, never thought of that! Would people be happy if that happened?

In career mode, will the player's looks age over time? Based on what I've read in the fan-created Cricket 14 page, a career is going to last 20 years. Wouldn't it be weird if a 36-year old looked like a 16-year old?

Cricket Academy players age and gain height in their early years (yes that's right - players are not all the same height! :p)
Is there any animation of 'change of ball' after 80 overs? Ross.:rolleye

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