Don Bradman Cricket 14 - World Premiere Discussion

Ha ha! Martyn I do love you sometimes. You are obviously an eloquent and intelligent person and I love the banter but I must say that you have a rather over exaggerated grasp of things........How can this game be sliding towards obscurity and how can you be the judge of that?

Surely that can only be determined once the game has been released and had the chance to prove itself or as you put it, slide into obscurity?

That is what my instinct is telling me.

Predicting the future is very difficult and I would love to be proved wrong.

But from what I have seen this game is struggling graphically in gameplay although the ambition of Bigant and their effort on presentation is second to none.

The licensing issue is also likely to cause problems with casual gameplayers.

It relates to what Chief said yesterday - making a cricket game is a god type problem.
An obvious truth only a few enlightened ones can see. They are so heroically trying to free us from our overlord Ross who has brainwashed us to think the game looks good. Because we obviously have no ability to discern for ourselves what we like and don't like. We clearly have no ability to intelligently judge how it looks. We just blindly take Ross's and the play session people's word for it.

*whispers* be quiet, Ross is watching, you know he is watching. you will ruin it for all of us.....................
Oh!! So u better buy a unknown commodity and later realize I wasted a great deal in buying something not worthy enough!

Dont Buy it Bigantstudios doesnt want you to buy it or they will not have a heavy loss if you are not buying it and these videos are not for the person who want to buy its just for recreation entertainment purpose only if you dont fun just go away from here and dont annoy anyone
That final build play has no edges in it.

Citation required - the limited amount of footage we have from a 4 hour playsession doesn't.

We really need a properly noted video from Bigant to show how this game is better than previous versions of cricket games

Why? Do PES release videos showing why they are better than FIFA or vice versa. Or why BF4 is better than COD or why would they bother with such a thing when the consumer can compare with the other... oh wait.

The way this has been organised smacks of amateurism and firefighting when bugs started appearing.

Can you please explain why you cannot accept the answers given and why you have failed to acknowledge the countless other feedback that disprove your current position.

We need a video on ai improvements, shot selection improvements, range of shots, and proof that slip fielding looks natural.

AI improvements from what?
Shot selection improvement from what?
I imagine the range of shots would include cricket shots... are you asking if there are golf shots included?
Perhaps we can ask people that have played the game... oh wait, that would require actually listen to another opinion.

Otherwise I fear game critics will have more and more reason to become more vocal.

Citation required. - so far, all the people that have actually played the game seem to really like it. Have you played it?

game is sliding towards obscurity.

Once again, citation required... the PC community seem to be pretty keen. Even you?

Sorry guys, don't mean to feed these kids... but it's getting frustrating. Can we make a new thread specially for them?
That is what my instinct is telling me.

Predicting the future is very difficult and I would love to be proved wrong.

But from what I have seen this game is struggling graphically in gameplay although the ambition of Bigant and their effort on presentation is second to none.

The licensing issue is also likely to cause problems with casual gameplayers.

It relates to what Chief said yesterday - making a cricket game is a god type problem.

Well if you really are a reasonable, well-minded person, why dont you give it a chance. Let the game come, play it if you like, let others have their time with it and then come back in two months after having a really good go of it and see if those instincts were right or not.

It is obvious, even to you I would assume that the game is ready to go and that we can in the months to come, by providing reasonable criticism based on facts provide good honest feedback.

Until then I would suggest support the game, give it its time in the light and let us wait and see.
Citation required - the limited amount of footage we have from a 4 hour playsession doesn't.

Why? Do PES release videos showing why they are better than FIFA or vice versa. Or why BF4 is better than COD or why would they bother with such a thing when the consumer can compare with the other... oh wait.

Can you please explain why you cannot accept the answers given and why you have failed to acknowledge the countless other feedback that disprove your current position.

AI improvements from what?
Shot selection improvement from what?
I imagine the range of shots would include cricket shots... are you asking if there are golf shots included?
Perhaps we can ask people that have played the game... oh wait, that would require actually listen to another opinion.

Citation required. - so far, all the people that have actually played the game seem to really like it. Have you played it?

Once again, citation required... the PC community seem to be pretty keen. Even you?

Sorry guys, don't mean to feed these kids... but it's getting frustrating. Can we make a new thread specially for them?

They are bunch of trolls and they got owned yesterday as well as they are not looking for anything logical just trolling so best is to just ignore them they are not looking for any logical answers and wasting our time (clearly they have a lot of time of their own if they hate the game so much then they better just ignore it what is the point of whole discussion)
They are bunch of trolls and they got owned yesterday as well as they are not looking for anything logical just trolling so best is to just ignore them they are not looking for any logical answers and wasting our time (clearly they have a lot of time of their own if they hate the game so much then they better just ignore it what is the point of whole discussion)

It's nice to see Mike Fegan back on PlanetCricket though isn't it?

They are bunch of trolls and they got owned yesterday as well as they are not looking for anything logical just trolling so best is to just ignore them they are not looking for any logical answers and wasting our time (clearly they have a lot of time of their own if they hate the game so much then they better just ignore it what is the point of whole discussion)

Sometimes it is neccessary to go into these things however much it frustrates. Just telling someone to go away isnt going to solve anything. Just ignore it all and do something else. In the end it doesnt matter. We are all just one or two or three or four people having a little to and thro on a little relatively unknown internet forum. As the song says; oops I did it again.
we should also appreciate him being a single guy with multiple accounts:spy he is fighting nicely :cheers
It's nice to see Mike Fegan back on PlanetCricket though isn't it?


True I asked Mike Fegan ohh I mean Martyn yesterday to reaveal his true identity but he tried to scare me from his twin brother (they are two of such kind can you imagine this ???? )
We really need a properly noted video from Bigant to show how this game is better than previous versions of cricket games

Big Ant have shown a very crisp, clear, bug free video showing DRS in a few forms.

Big Ant have shown a very clear representation how the ball ages over time.

Big Ant have shown a very clear representation how the time of day passes during a match and how lighting is realistic and dynamic.

Big Ant have shown, through their Cricket Academy and public Play Session how in depth their player creation and career mode is.

Big Ant have explained how the pitch ages and changes the way the game will be played.

Big Ant have allowed multiplayer games can be saved.

Big Ant have created a player creator that is shareable over 3 separate gaming networks.

The defence rests it's case.. Big Ant have created a better cricket game than previously released.
They are bunch of trolls and they got owned yesterday as well as they are not looking for anything logical just trolling so best is to just ignore them they are not looking for any logical answers and wasting our time (clearly they have a lot of time of their own if they hate the game so much then they better just ignore it what is the point of whole discussion)

who is they?
Citation required - the limited amount of footage we have from a 4 hour playsession doesn't.

Why? Do PES release videos showing why they are better than FIFA or vice versa. Or why BF4 is better than COD or why would they bother with such a thing when the consumer can compare with the other... oh wait.

Can you please explain why you cannot accept the answers given and why you have failed to acknowledge the countless other feedback that disprove your current position.

AI improvements from what?
Shot selection improvement from what?
I imagine the range of shots would include cricket shots... are you asking if there are golf shots included?
Perhaps we can ask people that have played the game... oh wait, that would require actually listen to another opinion.

Citation required. - so far, all the people that have actually played the game seem to really like it. Have you played it?

Once again, citation required... the PC community seem to be pretty keen. Even you?

Sorry guys, don't mean to feed these kids... but it's getting frustrating. Can we make a new thread specially for them?

What you were doing there is known as "fisking".

It is a meaningless way of refuting arguments by isolating points out of context and demanding evidence for the blindingly obvious.

I will explain again and point out why your post makes no sense as you didn't seem to understand what I was saying.

There are no edges in the latest footage we have seen of the newest build.

Factual error you made - PES release videos of gameplay/ai improvements and features every year.

Answers without proof when previously a game has been highly hyped but proven to have gamebreaking bugs are meaningless.

Improvements referred to improvements from previous cricket games. What is better about the gameplay in this game than previous games?

Sample size and bias of observer and interpretation is never an issue when considering feedback of course...Matt pointed out numerous concerns about the game.

The planetcricket community are not all lovers of this game - some are highly sceptical despite the rabble rousing and cheerleading orchestrated by a few members to prove how great an unreleased and possible buggy game is.

I rest my case.

Citation required for your existence - you could be an evil decepticon.

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