Don Bradman Cricket 14 - World Premiere Discussion



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Ross, any information or luck we would be able to pre-order PS3 copies in US? Would be really great to have one. Or if there is any other channel nearby which can service US locations will also be good.
Everyone knows the red one is the fastest, Kevin "bloody" Wilson said so, hey Santa Claus.....
Send that 'Red' Santa across the globe to give some magical distribution in the popular place cum cricket-ignored place of this world & which is just around 10,000 miles apart on a red flight. :p
Poor old bondie!! Livin next door to Alan!!!
From the videos I have seen so far all in all it looks very good especially the strokes and the diving catches. The main negative point for me is the lack of play and misses, even when Matt was batting as a number 11 apart from the edge he made contact with the ball every time. Are they more prominent on the harder level?

Also I'm not a fan of the ring around the ball, I remember that the comet trail cannot be turned off but can the ring?
Those whom are missing all the trolling during post tea session (CET Time) are missing a lot of first hand fun.....If it was not for all this waiting for game would have been much much more difficult.
Can't type much... Just wanted to be sure we didn't head down that slope. Thanks :)


Ps going to drink Flemington dry so it wouldn't have been good, apparently I have a very small filter as it is when I'm sober :)

Hmmmm, Ross at the races drinking the bar dry.....

Cue PC members trying to milk more information out of him as the session gets longer and his spatial awareness diminishes! Might check back in around race 7... :)
If they couldn't learn it in a six hour play session they'll never get it :p


Poor old bondie!! Livin next door to Alan!!!

Story goes that's what the other inmates sang as he was led into prison... Livin' next door to Alan!
2PM Melbourne time (90 minutes away) for Twistie3's interview with Ross
I agree with you that what you refer to as graphical clutter has a serious impact on the game.

I think limited graphical quality adversely affects gameplay - hence the "magical edge" which has already become famous. (I've got Matt in my head saying "that went throught the bat". While Ross suggests from behind it was an inside edge!) :lol.

That is not a trivial issue by any meams after 5 years of development.

Is it a fundamental problem with the game engine that can only be hidden and not fixed?

Thats the point! And sadly it seems except u and me others havent played previous versions of cricket SINCERELY to notice the flaw/shortcoming of this hugely anticipated game which was hyped unreasonably for all this years..
Thats the point! And sadly it seems except u and me others havent played previous versions of cricket SINCERELY to notice the flaw/shortcoming of this hugely anticipated game which was hyped unreasonably for all this years..

What gives you the right to say it has been 'hyped unreasonably' when you haven't even played the game! Wait till we've had the game for a few weeks before you make that call. Not based off a few videos.
One thing that the videos did confirm is that every fast bowler does have the same action?

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