Don Bradman Cricket 17 World Premiere Discussion


So I was able to play some ROOKIE career mode, passing the controller around with a dude whom I forget the name of.

Started off with bowling, from the start I bowled good line and length, just straight deliveries outside of stump and was able to get a thin edge in my first over, but in true Don Bradman Fashion I forgot to appeal! spewing! :p

It's good to mention at the start of the career you'll be playing in mostly empty stadiums, and if you start in a created small ground I was told there will be only a handful of fans scattered around the empty stadium looked great!

Swinging deliveries didn't really move much if at all, so you'll have to spend our skill points to improve your player. You'll receive skill points as if it is a salary after games, and of course your salary will increase the better and further you go in your career.

I only played like two career games so I didn't get to see any of the many dynamic elements such as players getting selected or cut from teams. But I was told that career mode is much more in depth and will include major tournaments such as the world cup... er I mean THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP.

Selection status has been built upon as well, for example if you remember in 14 it showed you if you had a chance of getting in your international ODI team, now it will show you your chances of getting picked for a particular ODI tour, not just the International team as a whole.

You can now change the appearance of your player during your career.

Some other gameplay moments.

Witnessed an attempted cover drive, get edged thick and go for 4 square of the wicket was very cool.

Cover drive does work by the way! I was started to get worried because it doesn't work in the academy, but I can confirm the covers are open for business.

Spin bowling feels even better bowling with a batter there, was able to beat the batter with some nice leggies pitching on middle stump and beating the batter attempting to drive.

Fielding (PS4 controller)

When you have the ball the square button will throw to another fielder but be careful, if you are facing the wrong way you can and will throw it to an outfield played.

I was able to pull of a nice bit of fielding in the outfield I had fielded the ball in the outfield, close to the boundary, I was able to flick the ball to another player that had also followed the ball by pressing square. I f hadn't done that I would've gone over the boundary with the ball.

Triangle will tap the ball back, saw some good teamwork happening, the AI is smart enough to follow the ball with you as well so they will be there if you decide to tap it back.

I forget how throwing to the stumps works but I believe twistie covers it in his first video.

That's all I remember for now, will chime in if I remember anything else.
@DAP if you would have seen I just had posted two post above the same thing
An interesting thing from the video: all club games are 20 20s.

Seems odd. Would have liked at least one day matches.[DOUBLEPOST=1477535763][/DOUBLEPOST]
I see a few people complaining about visuals, ridiculous.

The game ran at a smooth 60fps on the ps4 and on the other machine that was there it looked better and was even smoother!

Complaints weren't about the frame rate but more the character models and faces.
Career mode is great.

Also saw that "gameplay modifiers" section which seems great!

Hopefully they add club teams into the academy as I am keen to make up some of the stadiums and logos for the club level teams.
I must say, having only watched the first 5 minutes of the Career Mode video, I'm stoked!

Introducing club level cricket is a fantastic addition to the career mode and will add longevity to the game. As it stands, getting selected to play for your state at the age of 16 in DBC14 doesn't exactly ring of authenticity. Having to work your way up through club level to the international stage more accurately reflects the path of a contemporary cricketer. I for one look forward to making my District 1st XI debut for "University" (Melbourne Uni) – hopefully someone can replicate our beautiful home ground!
My thoughts on Career Mode

--> The depth seems amazing
--> It all makes perfect sense that we move up from club to international
--> Loved how we get offers from other countries club & love how we can play in many countries.
--> Loved the part where we spend the SP and earn SP.
--> Loved how you can change kits,stadiums for each club team as well.

In the end when the points include 3 times loved word, it just shows how awesome it will be when we actually play. Thank you @BigAntStudios. Amazing depth in career mode people asked for this and you guys delivered. Yet people will complain how the bowling actions are same. Enjoy the game guys stop knitpicking small things

So I was able to play some ROOKIE career mode, passing the controller around with a dude whom I forget the name of.

Started off with bowling, from the start I bowled good line and length, just straight deliveries outside of stump and was able to get a thin edge in my first over, but in true Don Bradman Fashion I forgot to appeal! spewing! :p

It's good to mention at the start of the career you'll be playing in mostly empty stadiums, and if you start in a created small ground I was told there will be only a handful of fans scattered around the empty stadium looked great!

Swinging deliveries didn't really move much if at all, so you'll have to spend our skill points to improve your player. You'll receive skill points as if it is a salary after games, and of course your salary will increase the better and further you go in your career.

I only played like two career games so I didn't get to see any of the many dynamic elements such as players getting selected or cut from teams. But I was told that career mode is much more in depth and will include major tournaments such as the world cup... er I mean THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP.

Selection status has been built upon as well, for example if you remember in 14 it showed you if you had a chance of getting in your international ODI team, now it will show you your chances of getting picked for a particular ODI tour, not just the International team as a whole.

You can now change the appearance of your player during your career.

Some other gameplay moments.

Witnessed an attempted cover drive, get edged thick and go for 4 square of the wicket was very cool.

Cover drive does work by the way! I was started to get worried because it doesn't work in the academy, but I can confirm the covers are open for business.

Spin bowling feels even better bowling with a batter there, was able to beat the batter with some nice leggies pitching on middle stump and beating the batter attempting to drive.

Fielding (PS4 controller)

When you have the ball the square button will throw to another fielder but be careful, if you are facing the wrong way you can and will throw it to an outfield played.

I was able to pull of a nice bit of fielding in the outfield I had fielded the ball in the outfield, close to the boundary, I was able to flick the ball to another player that had also followed the ball by pressing square. I f hadn't done that I would've gone over the boundary with the ball.

Triangle will tap the ball back, saw some good teamwork happening, the AI is smart enough to follow the ball with you as well so they will be there if you decide to tap it back.

I forget how throwing to the stumps works but I believe twistie covers it in his first video.

That's all I remember for now, will chime in if I remember anything else.
Wow. Thanks a lot for sharing your experience. This is the only thing I care about. Career mode.

I don't mind if commentary is repeating ( if you play for 500+ hours, even if commentary is not repetitive, it will get boring regardless ), I don't care about graphics (I am sure it will be atleast on par to DBC 14 if not more which is more than enough for me ), I care only about career mode and it's gameplay. So far after watching the video shared by twistie, I loved the career mode. I am excited about everything @Fissionmailed told about career mode. The edges, empty stadium in club level, selection status, world championship. Wow. This is more than enough for me. And I am waiting to get my hands on it. ( If my computer can handle the requirements ).

So I was able to play some ROOKIE career mode, passing the controller around with a dude whom I forget the name of.

Started off with bowling, from the start I bowled good line and length, just straight deliveries outside of stump and was able to get a thin edge in my first over, but in true Don Bradman Fashion I forgot to appeal! spewing! :p

It's good to mention at the start of the career you'll be playing in mostly empty stadiums, and if you start in a created small ground I was told there will be only a handful of fans scattered around the empty stadium looked great!

Swinging deliveries didn't really move much if at all, so you'll have to spend our skill points to improve your player. You'll receive skill points as if it is a salary after games, and of course your salary will increase the better and further you go in your career.

I only played like two career games so I didn't get to see any of the many dynamic elements such as players getting selected or cut from teams. But I was told that career mode is much more in depth and will include major tournaments such as the world cup... er I mean THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP.

Selection status has been built upon as well, for example if you remember in 14 it showed you if you had a chance of getting in your international ODI team, now it will show you your chances of getting picked for a particular ODI tour, not just the International team as a whole.

You can now change the appearance of your player during your career.

Some other gameplay moments.

Witnessed an attempted cover drive, get edged thick and go for 4 square of the wicket was very cool.

Cover drive does work by the way! I was started to get worried because it doesn't work in the academy, but I can confirm the covers are open for business.

Spin bowling feels even better bowling with a batter there, was able to beat the batter with some nice leggies pitching on middle stump and beating the batter attempting to drive.

Fielding (PS4 controller)

When you have the ball the square button will throw to another fielder but be careful, if you are facing the wrong way you can and will throw it to an outfield played.

I was able to pull of a nice bit of fielding in the outfield I had fielded the ball in the outfield, close to the boundary, I was able to flick the ball to another player that had also followed the ball by pressing square. I f hadn't done that I would've gone over the boundary with the ball.

Triangle will tap the ball back, saw some good teamwork happening, the AI is smart enough to follow the ball with you as well so they will be there if you decide to tap it back.

I forget how throwing to the stumps works but I believe twistie covers it in his first video.

That's all I remember for now, will chime in if I remember anything else.

Thanks dude, this is the exact type of info I'd hoped we'd get from the premiere.

Good news about the cover drive especially.
I see a few people complaining about visuals, ridiculous.

The game ran at a smooth 60fps on the ps4 and on the other machine that was there it looked better and was even smoother!
Hey fission was the other machine a ps 4 Pro
Really looking forward to DBC17 this year , really amazed by the solution to premeditation , I think career mode slightly needs more tweaking as it will not be realistic to start as a 150kph bowler playing club cricket where other 150kph bowlers playing as well , I think bowling speed at club cricket and to some extent FC needs overall reduction , as it will be more rewarding when you start as a 115kph bowler turning in to a 150kph bowler by the time you gets National selection.

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