Don Bradman Cricket Academy V 1.00 Beta is available (Updated 28/03)

When is the next update coming? lol
every time I try to share a player or team created on my PC (to use on my PS3) I get an 'alert' saying I've been logged out.

Anyone else having a similar problem?

Yup I am having the same problem. Does anyone have a solution?
Happened to me before and just got solved with a restart of the program, someone else said that didn't work though.
Hey guys, does anyone know how I would go about getting a team I created on my pc in the academy onto my xbox 360?
Hey guys, does anyone know how I would go about getting a team I created on my pc in the academy onto my xbox 360?

Upload/Share the team on your PC to CA server. Then search for the teams on xbox under the user you uploaded/shared the team under on CA.
Okay thought so thanks, but everytime I try to upload it errors and says I have been logged out, any solution to this?
Okay thought so thanks, but everytime I try to upload it errors and says I have been logged out, any solution to this?

I wouldn't have any idea. I never uploaded a team on CA and simply downloaded the best teams. Try checking with folks like @blockerdave or @SnowyCasanova who created teams on CA and have played the game on console.
Okay thanks, just annoying as I'd like to play with this team I spent a while creating!
@brown someone will contact you via pm to try and work out what's going on.

Which time zone you in?
I'm from the UK

I am also in the UK and am having the same problem, would love to get this sorted as I want to create my local club side and share it with some of my team mates.

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