Don Bradman Cricket in the Press

I imagine it will be a lot higher once this is out with any luck.

""They can decide not to be Stuart Broad and walk if they want to," said Mr Merren."

Haha - gotta love that ironic Aussie sense of humour! :rolleyes

Sounds great anyway - loving all the positive attention that it's getting at the moment. Fantastic to see it getting such momentum. Can't imagine how much work you must be doing behind the scenes right now.
No, he is certainly not an Aussie.... and in Mr Broad fashion he won't even admit he owes me $50!
The press coverage so far had all been very positive which must make you proud, especially after the AC debacle bringing so much negativity. Just a question Ross, although Sir Don Bradman is a name loved and respected in the cricket/sporting world, has there been any difficulty with publishers/retailers who may not have heard much about him. I am seeing what your up agsinst after a conversation with a mate of mine who is a gamer who's not a fan of cricket, basically because the ashes has been in the news for months he was aware of it and the game bearing the name, but I mentioned Bradman and he didn't have a clue who he was! Have you had similar problems?
Certainly in Australia Bradman is a household name for all generations, not just those into Cricket.

The UK has been a little harder, and that may well be a trust thing. Ashes being made a block and a half from us in Melbourne hasn't helped. Many an Ashes 2013 article has started with "Melbourne based developer" so when they hear we are from Melbourne also they think we doing something dodgy.
Yea I'd imagine you've had to go over that a few times" we are not trickster" glad you're hard work is bearing fruit, good luck and thanks for the reply.
it's a pity actually that in the UK his name doesn't mean so much any more. i was reading a biography of him a few months back and it came over very strongly that he was hugely popular here - the crowds appreciated they were watching a genius and loved him.

i guess this is one of the things the Bradman Foundation were looking at in giving permission, as they mention in the article Mikey was interviewed in, that they are looking to bring him back to attention to younger generations.

i was thinking how awesome it'd be if someone was to be giving Bumble some stick in the sky commentary box during the test for being associated with the AC debacle, then mentioned Bradman and said something along the lines of it being far too good to have Bumble involved...
it's a pity actually that in the UK his name doesn't mean so much any more. i was reading a biography of him a few months back and it came over very strongly that he was hugely popular here - the crowds appreciated they were watching a genius and loved him.

i guess this is one of the things the Bradman Foundation were looking at in giving permission, as they mention in the article Mikey was interviewed in, that they are looking to bring him back to attention to younger generations.

i was thinking how awesome it'd be if someone was to be giving Bumble some stick in the sky commentary box during the test for being associated with the AC debacle, then mentioned Bradman and said something along the lines of it being far too good to have Bumble involved...

In India Most of them are familier with Bradman.....If any one knows Little Master....obviously they Know Master of Little Master
Sunil Gavaskar??


In the UK bradman is as popular as any past cricketer if your talking to sports fans and obviously cricket fans, I don't think I've ever heard a bad word about him and indeed one of the guys who introduced me to playing cricket,( who is now 70 and still plays,) said his father told him the press were not very happy about the body line series, and in particular, Bradmans treatment, even though we won. I think the most pleasing thing when people talk about him, is the passion for the man, people really enjoy expressing their respect fir not only a class cricketer but a class act all round. This more than anything is why I'm very pleased this game bears his name. It just says class, and it really is cricket!!
tbh as a person and as a cricketer, I'd take Keith Miller over Bradman any day of the week.
Don Bradman Cricket 14 just got a short bit on The Project - showing the intro bit of the trailer. They only mentioned Xbox, so I suppose it's just pinched out of that Fairfax article linked earlier.

Unfortunately with The Project being on Ten, only about 20 people saw it, but still a step forward.
Cogs are turning, thats for sure. Good to see the game getting some recognition at least.
I could be wrong, but I don't think I've ever seen as much coverage for a cricket game. Ignoring the pox we shall no longer speak of (which got attention for wrong reasons).

Obviously Ross, your hard yakka this week is getting through somewhere.

*fingers crossed it results in December release and generates sales*

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