Don Bradman Cricket in the Press

The no female teams point in that review is interesting - there's a few reasonable attempts on the Academy of women's teams. Obviously there's not a variety of body types*, but facial features wise the game gets pretty far along the line, that it seems like it could be a viable option down the track.

Of course women's cricket isn't differentiated just by being a different gender - they have slightly different rules - like shorter boundaries and a slightly lighter and smaller ball - as well as some fairly different bowling styles from the matches I've seen. The gameplay would need to be genuinely different to not just feel like all they've done is swapped out the models, though if that's what you wanted, the game lets you get pretty close at the moment.

* I've seen some truly cringeworthy 'female players' mods for Cricket 07 which were pretty much just enlarging the chest.
The no female teams point in that review is interesting.

It's a bit of a hot topic amongst journos at the moment. Gender and sexuality in games (giving players the choice, rather than enforcing it on them): pretty much everyone has done an Op Ed about it in recent weeks.

Looks a bit thrown-in at the end there: I couldn't see anything in the main body of the text?

I started a conversation a while back about whether people would want women's cricket to feature in a game, but it descended quickly into the lazy s------ing and predictable jokes.

It's a bit strange that they've dropped this in there, but I say it's something that a lot of conversation is around right now.
Point of the matter is that who will play with women teams given the choice to play with men teams. There are very few female gamers out there and I bet the number will still decrease if you narrow your choice to female gamers who play cricket games.
point of the matter is that who will play with women teams given the choice to play with men teams. There are very few female gamers out there and i bet the number will still decrease if you narrow your choice to female gamers who play cricket games.

*citation required klaxon*

Actually: tell you what... I'll lend you a citation - 48% of gamers are female, and that's an upward trend. Soon they will be the majority.
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It's a bit of a hot topic amongst journos at the moment. Gender and sexuality in games (giving players the choice, rather than enforcing it on them): pretty much everyone has done an Op Ed about it in recent weeks.
One of the issues would of course be if an addition of women to a game would be seen as tokenism. The problem is that unless it's done so that both gameplay modes are equally complete and polished, it then looks cynical. I imagine that while many developers might be really wanting to be inclusive, having deadlines and budget constraints mean that you'd probably be left with something not pleasing anyone.

In sports games, I quite liked in the Tiger Woods games where one of the career challenges would be needing to defeat a female golfer - and then being thrashed because they were better than you.

Looks a bit thrown-in at the end there: I couldn't see anything in the main body of the text?
No, just seemed to be the dot point in the summary - also didn't impact the score clearly.

While I wouldn't make the argument to try and suggest there's equality - the game ships with a Tru Blu team which appears to have female employees represented.
Mobile games - when they're not talking they're playing Candy Crush - surprised it's only 48%*

*citation - I have 5 daughters :)
Mobile games should not count imho. I am talking gamers here who do so on consoles or a gaming PC.
Well I'm from the nineteenth century so I'm allowed to be sexist but I'm not sure how you people think you can get away with such remarks.
Well I'm from the nineteenth century so I'm allowed to be sexist but I'm not sure how you people think you can get away with such remarks.

Who is being sexist: ....oh excuse me a moment the wife is talking again while she should be washing up.....*

* a joke

Yep. Even 5 years ago the core console market was about 35% female: that's excluding mobile/facebook (although it does include Wii, which accounted for a large chunk of those.)
Nintendo (and to a lesser extent Microsoft) opened the market up.

Furthermore, last year's census by Cricket Australia revealed that 20% of people playing cricket in Australia were women, and female participation in Cricket has grown 25% year on year for the last 3 years. So again, it's on a huge upward curve.

No question that it's still a niche of a niche of a niche (how many female PC members are there I wonder?), but with the trends very much moving in the opposite direction to the patriarchy, I wonder how long those attitudes can continue.

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