Don Bradman Cricket in the Press

Ross it is the right time to release the game with people starting to hope for a good game after seeing such good news...
Ross try to understand that people badly want a cricket game.. It's been 6 years after the release of E A Cricket 2007 and with the features you have got in DBC14, they are getting impatient day by day..
Starting to feel like doing a little dance at the moment. Can't begin to imagine how Ross feels - or might do if he wasn't so busy, haha!
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The Death or rather cremation of the Ashes ashes, has given birth/rise to Don Bradman Cricket 14,,,I also like how people are posting and quoting different links, the word is out there :cheers
GamingBolt: The pressure is on for Don Bradman Cricket 14 to deliver an at least playable cricket experience. With no other competitors on the market at this time, this opportunity is completely Big Ant Studios? to capitalize on or squander. Let?s hope it makes for a great game that die-hard cricket fans the world over can enjoy.

No pressure then Ross? :p

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