Downright Donkeys Team Thread - 2009

Well Donks. Our coffers are bulging once more thanks to very successful start to our season. The gold plated beer taps have been installed in the upper deck bar and our skipper is looking well pleased. Let's keep this success going and continue on our Donkey ways.
Alright boys, I'm shipping off to Hong Kong. Few investments gone bad, said a few things I shouldn't have, and it's decided the safest place for me would be under the protection of the Chinese Government.

Take care of the team. Or don't. Whatever is cool. But make sure KBC doesn't get to drive the Yacht.
While you're there could you ask Premier Hu whatever happened to those rocket launchers I ordered for our yacht? He'll ask for cash up front but don't fall for that nonsense. He's not known for reliability in the delivery of product, particularly SAM's.
Panda's back.

Sorry for the extended *ahem* pre season... That trip to Thailand took a bit out of me. Who knew there were so many lady-boys in Thailand? They are hard to pick after a lager or two...
Hey Panda, welcome back. We've been following our true donkety spirit and winning the best part of stuff all but the bookies love us. The bar now has gold fittings and we have a larger helicopter for those special excursions to deserted islands. Hope the ladyboy Pandas didn't confuse you too much.
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Why have I been dropped down the batting order???/ lol Should be oppening still if you ask me:p

If I'm inactive in here just PM me or leave a visitors message to let me know as I keep forgeting about this.
Panda's back.

Sorry for the extended *ahem* pre season... That trip to Thailand took a bit out of me. Who knew there were so many lady-boys in Thailand? They are hard to pick after a lager or two...
Welcome back Panda. I almost threw out the bamboo juice extracter with you gone.
Ive never liked you Zorax... That bomboo juice extracter has so many uses... Its pretty much just a glorified bong.

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