Ea Fifa 2008

You do realise you can get Option Files for PES which add kits, names, balls, stadiums and leagues dont you?

But FIFA already has them built in which saves the bother of doing it yourself.

Don't mistake me for a FIFA fan because i'm not, I prefer PES2008 to FIFA08 by a long stretch even though i'm yet to play the full game of PES.
howz the game on psp.......played it on pc and for the first time liked a fifa game a bit............still PES r u l e z z z
Don't mistake me for a FIFA fan because i'm not, I prefer PES2008 to FIFA08 by a long stretch even though i'm yet to play the full game of PES.

Just think about what you have said there. Wait till you play the full game of PES2008 then objectively decide which game you think is best.
You do realise you can get Option Files for PES which add kits, names, balls, stadiums and leagues dont you?

Ps2 users can't do that, maybe he want's it for PS2?

Also downloading all that crap is a hassle and the files aren't that small!
I played the demo for this on the 360 last night.

Garbage. It looks good, animations and players both looking really nice, but the gameplay is dreadful. Passes never go where you aim them, headers are never won, tackles are ridiclious, and fouls are given for even brushing a player. I found myself turning it off after 10 mins or so I was that anoyed with it.

On a plus note I am a fan of the little mini game in between loading, thats quite cool and probably the best feature of the game to be honest.

I suppose playing it online would be quite good, but then again PES will have the same come the end of the month, and after playing that demo too, its easy to say which I will be spending my cash on.
Ps2 users can't do that, maybe he want's it for PS2?

Also downloading all that crap is a hassle and the files aren't that small!

Wrong actually. The Option Files to which I were referring are just 1mb in size, and can be put onto a chipped PS2. Not everyone has them, but it is possible.
Just think about what you have said there. Wait till you play the full game of PES2008 then objectively decide which game you think is best.

I've played the demo of PES. The demos very rarely end up being better than the full products so I think it's a pretty safe assumption to make.
Exactly, which is why I said that demos very rarely end up being better than the full game.
Is FIFA 08 out yet, if so does anyone who's played the PC version reckon that they've finally topped PES? I'm so bored of the M/L and PES points and limited leagues etc. The only reason I buy PES is because the football is usually far superior, but from what I've been reading, it sounds as though they may well have dropped the ball with this one. Can't download the demo, it will murder my monthly limit (stupid bloody BT Option 1!)

A quick question: Do the FIFA Manager games still have the 'football fusion' option so you can manage your team and then actually play the games in the match engine? I haven't bought one for many years, I've been playing PES, hoping year after year that they actually release a new game, and not merely 'tweak' the game (yeah, that's really worth ?30!)
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Well I did get the game on PS2, and I have to say it really is a lot of fun. The gameplay has become more difficult with the addition of manual crosses/through balls and the new Be a Pro feature is excellent. I can definitely see it evolving over time and becoming a future feature in sports games universally.

For everyone that says that it is a bad game, that's their opinion, but I really do like the game. Graphics are good, gameplay is very good and reaism is top notch, although a few more stadiums (like one for Australia) wouldn't hurt.
Going by the videos I've seen, they have made the ball a lot more 'floaty' when making long aerial passes, it no longer drops like a shot-put! The ball physics look a lot better to me. One thing that annoyed me about FIFA was the headers. In PES, they would sometimes go straight up in the air, you know be more random, like in real football. In FIFA, they always seemed to be power headers, there weren't any of the aerial duels that you find in PES. Have they fixed that? Also, what's the AI like, does it put up a good challenge?

I have to say though, I love the sound of the 'Be A Pro' feature!
Well I did get the game on PS2, and I have to say it really is a lot of fun. The gameplay has become more difficult with the addition of manual crosses/through balls and the new Be a Pro feature is excellent. I can definitely see it evolving over time and becoming a future feature in sports games universally.

For everyone that says that it is a bad game, that's their opinion, but I really do like the game. Graphics are good, gameplay is very good and reaism is top notch, although a few more stadiums (like one for Australia) wouldn't hurt.

To some people adding a Australian stadium would sound stupid due to it not being an overly "attractive," sport in Aus over Rugby and AFL but there are some really cracking stadiums over there which play host to soccer games, i mean, i for one would like to play Aus V. USA at the Telstra :p But that wont ever happen ;)

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