Editing Rosters

I made mine search within a smaller buffer so that it writes every player offset to an array pretty instantly.
My editor is now working nicely.
Quick note to say two things:
1. There are 565 players in the roster
2. Your username/password for online are stored in the file so be careful about sharing it!

When will the editor be released?
I'm having a fairly major problem I need to overcome before I can release a beta.
Catches are stored right after first name in the roster so if someone has a 5 letter name the 6th letter will be the byte for catches. That byte can be a letter as well.
So for example how on earth do I deal with the following:
Where Craig is the name and d the number of catches (100). This happens on a lot of players.
I'm having a fairly major problem I need to overcome before I can release a beta.
Catches are stored right after first name in the roster so if someone has a 5 letter name the 6th letter will be the byte for catches. That byte can be a letter as well.
So for example how on earth do I deal with the following:
Where Craig is the name and d the number of catches (100). This happens on a lot of players.

Despite me having no clue about programming at all, is it possible to make it check the byte after that, which I'm assuming is empty if the previous btye is catches? Or is that just impossible or a load of rubbish :laugh
It actually player ID I'm talking rubbish. Your logic is good but unfortunately player ID can be one byte or two bytes. Tell the truth I've not cracked that bit yet and not sure how those bytes work. There's always 8 bytes between the end of first name and start of last name so I might try and work backwards.
I think (!) I've nailed it using this. :)

For length = 1 To 16
            x = BR.ReadByte
            If x = 0 Then
                x = BR.ReadByte
                If x = 0 Then
                    x = BR.ReadByte
                    If x = 0 Then
                        'Player ID is one byte
                        length = length - 1
                        Exit For
                        'Player ID is two bytes
                        length = length - 2
                        Exit For
                    End If
                    'Player ID is three bytes
                    length = length - 3
                End If
            End If

I realise this is very boring for everyone else but this is a lot more technical to make than the EA player editor.
So I suppose in the future people will be able to make IPL or domestic teams etc. because you can edit all the teams (except Aus and Eng)
We can edit them as well on PC. I've even got some ideas about real names online (although this does lead us into improved stats...)
Hopefully somebody can then crack kits and Faces for PS3 and Transmission fixes the bugs and it'll all be a happy ending:D
I'm getting a little confused. Will we be able to edit Australia and England using BA's future editor? Some people seem to be saying that we can't.
Which part of the roster file should we edit?
When I did my updated pc roster, I just updated the second set of players, however that didn't work in Ashes mode - should the first set be edited or both?
Of to Cornwall for a week, probably wont be tinternet down there, but When I'm back I will join the helping again. Perhaps when I'm back there will be a nice patch of PS3 editor waiting for me :D

Good luck guys :)
Incidentally if anyone is wondering why NZ look nothing like real life (apart from licensing) most the NZ team (and nearly all then Ireland team) have the faces of the Transmission team like Heath Smith, Rob Walkley etc. I might have to take some screens and add it to the Q&A thread...

Hey guys.

I've posted this because I have a bit of a problem. You see I tried to edit the data but then when I tried to play the game it didn't load so I uninstalled it. But the My games folder and everything in are still their and in Ad/remove programmes there is an Ashes Cricket 2009 thing but it's only 0.05 MB and I cant uninstall it.

When I try to install it it dosn't work because it says the actions (modify, repair etc.) can only be used for a installed game. Anyone know how to fix this problem?

Please help me. :(

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