Editing Rosters

this can be done only after a w32 extractor or something similar comes out
Anyone see any pattern in the order of these names?

R. Ponting
B. Laughlin
B. Laughlin
S. Marsh
D. Warner
R. Ponting
M. Clarke
B. Haddin
M. Hussey
J. Hopes
S. Watson
M. Johnson
B. Lee
B. Hilfenhaus
S. Clark
N. Hauritz
P. Hughes
D. Hussey
S. Katich
J. Krezja
B. Laughlin
A. McDonald
M. North
P. Siddle
C. Ferguson
C. White
B. Haddin
Anyone who has used costomisation and created onions and trott, could any of you actually get any kind of resemblance when creating there faces.
Also what di you put for there stats to make it reaistic as i dont wanna cheat and make it really high ect, what stats including bowling/batting and fielding for both players.
If we take the first 3 names out I think it might be the ODI or T20 squad...
Edit: it goes ODI, test, T20 (just like the stats)


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Of to Cornwall for a week, probably wont be tinternet down there,

Believe it or not you CAN use the internet down here. We've even got running water if you don't mind using the village well We've never heard of cricket though, what's that? And does it involve using tractors?

Believe it or not you CAN use the internet down here. We've even got running water if you don't mind using the village well We've never heard of cricket though, what's that? And does it involve using tractors?

haha I meant in our cottage, not Cornwall in general!
Right, I think I can do this.
I've overcome the how to insert bytes problem :)
Next problem is that everytime I hex edit the roster and insert bytes it becomes read only and won't load until I change it back. Even when I run hackman as admin.
Very annoying.


  • Cricket2009 2009-08-27 12-35-54-57.jpg
    Cricket2009 2009-08-27 12-35-54-57.jpg
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hey barmy have you had a look at the param.sfo and param.pfd files?

the pfd especially seems to have significant differences between two saves of in game changes

the editing of the hex files seems rather easy if you can get it to save.
fwiw i also had a play setting the timestamps on edited files to when they were created on the ps3 but it still didnt like it.
Here is a 9 character first name. I don't see there being a limit on first names or surnames other than the problem I will outline below.

The roster expands by writing over filler after the squads. There is about 4000 bytes of filler. My editor is coded so that it just keeps writing which at some point will mean, if you add enough new data, it will write over fixed offset data and corrupt the roster. 4000 may seem like a lot but when you consider to change a bat can add 30 bytes, suddenly 150 players changing bat will use up all the filler.
What someone (else?) needs to do it manually assign 150 bats (with nice long strings) to 150 players and then see where the extra bytes are taken out from after the filler space is used.
This might not make any sense to most people but it's a roadblock in the way of variable string editing atm.


  • Cricket2009 2009-08-28 23-14-00-18.jpg
    Cricket2009 2009-08-28 23-14-00-18.jpg
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Is it me or is Shoaib Akthar not in the Pakistan squad?
Editing Player Names - Need Help

Could anyone provide me with a list of the real players names so i can edit them?

Thanks in advance.

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