Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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kodos said:
I thought school starts on Tuesday. Staff Development Day :D

Not for everyone....;) As far as I'm aware, my school resumes on Monday, but yeah, most go back the day after.

kodos said:
Anyways final term in the penultimate year of high school and I also have a couple of tasks to be handed in the 1st 2 weeks. Can't wait to finish the final year and I'll be free :D

Are Year 11 exams coming up this term? - I'm guessing you's would have to have something, seeing as Year 12 coursework commences in Term 4...
James219 said:
Aww, schools starts back Monday! :(
Actually, I've got some cultural poetry presentation due next week- for some reason I'm analyzing an Oodgeroo Noonuccal work!
An extra week for me.
James219 said:
Are Year 11 exams coming up this term? - I'm guessing you's would have to have something, seeing as Year 12 coursework commences in Term 4...

I'd say so but no notification yet.
School starts Monday, one of the shorter terms, at least no exams this time round. At least after this one its the last one for the year.
I'm in year 11 next year too! I just don't look old enough to be in the top year of the school; have a look at my picture in the 'Planet Cricket user pictures thread' to see for yourself.
blackleopard92 said:
my first yr in clg starts on 1Aug.
Wonder what happens to me...

Hopefully you do really well and get a good career in something you enjoy.
i go back into year 11 aswell, i do look old enough though

next years new year sevens had an inductin day, i know its mean but i couldn't resist it, I sent 2 the wrong way, in fact they ended up in the church next door
Adarsh said:
The new kids are so small I could almost trip over them!

I actually did! Playing rugby and I was running back to catch a high ball and, BANG, a little boy got in my way and I couldn't feel my leg for ages. I hate induction days!
It's year 10 for me in September. I've picked Media as one of my options as I want to get into journalism of some sort in the future.

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