Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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cricketmad09 said:
I am assigned homework on the holidays, but I reakon the whole concept of homework on holidays is a disgrace, so I dont do it.

We're usually assigned homework/assessment tasks in term holidays (which defeats the whole purpose of the break period, as you said), but never in the christmas break, obviously, seeing as you're going into a new grade and it'd be just pointless.....which is why I can't understand why you've (DJ Ager, and everyone else in the same boat, I guess) got it, 'cause it's not like you're gonna resume with the same teacher, in the exact same class doing the exact same unit of study...or are you? :p
James219 said:
We're usually assigned homework/assessment tasks in term holidays (which defeats the whole purpose of the break period, as you said), but never in the christmas break, obviously, seeing as you're going into a new grade and it'd be just pointless.....which is why I can't understand why you've (DJ Ager, and everyone else in the same boat, I guess) got it, 'cause it's not like you're gonna resume with the same teacher, in the exact same class doing the exact same unit of study...or are you? :p

Most teachers will probably stay the same and its GCSE coursewrok, so it has to be done.

Last year for me too.
m477yp4rk3r said:
Yeah last year for me too anyone dreading??

Next year, being 2007 is when I start Year 12 (Final Year)

I am dreading it. Only because, I really believe the current education system is a load of crap. The only reason why I am finishing high school and going to university, is because I need a degree for the job I want.

It was much better 20+ years ago, before all this globalisation has caused companies to hire the most "qualified" people they can find, to maxamise the performence of thier country.

im back (since wednesday), i had coursework to do over the holidays, actually thats nto 100% true, i had courswork 3 months (ish) overdue, that i should have done over the holidays, went

just found after 2 modulars im on a B in physics, which is great, as last year i did nothing, at all, except ask the teacher about electric cars (i just think there cool that's all) and only now ive realised i might need a-level physics for the career i want to go into, after my first 2 midules and first piece of coursework, so ill knuckle down in physics this year, so a B is good, i really dont know how i get such good marks with doing little-to-no work, just lucky i guess

my school is really funny, there is building work going on on the yard, and some of it is fenced off, my mate (well known for being awful at footy) hit it over the fence, he tried to squeeze in between the fence, and the wlal of the school, and promtly got himself stuck, took him about 5-6 minutes to squeeze through, probably had to be there, but if you can visualize it

fair play to him though he did get the ball
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Ahh guys, dont worry bout your GCSE's yet, i speak from experience here, they arnt THAT HARD, i gets myself 3 A's, 1 B and 5 C's from doing nothing until the night before the first exam, just try your best in class, do an hour at home, and your sorted :p

Trust me, if i can do that, a student who was expected to get C/D borderline grades, and i do that well, then a german doing an english dip. would be able to do em ;)
I'm in Year 10 too. Missed the first 3 days of school, not a great start to my Board Exam year :)
I'm hoping for As in Maths, Physics, IT and Accounts easily. TT and Chem as well if I am lucky. B in English. Shouldn't be so bad, although I am scared :)
ZexyZahid said:
1992 is a good year. Pakistan won the World Cup then. :) And it's all easy in the junior schools. Wait till you get the heavy stuff. That will be after you're turn 18.

yea man, I'm 18 now and taking Mechanical Engineering in UNI, fu***** tough sh*t

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