English Football Thread 2012/2013

Who will win the 2012/13 Premier League?

  • Manchester City

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • Manchester Utd

    Votes: 19 52.8%
  • Arsenal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Newcastle

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Chelsea

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Everton

    Votes: 1 2.8%

  • Total voters
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On the subject of City Matt, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

City fans have made a petition to not sign Ronaldo:D:D:D:D. You could not make it up.:D


Some class comments from United fans on there:D:p. Especially one from Bertie Al-Magoo:D, "I've got my tea-towel headgear, my Robinho shirt and my "Say no to Ronaldo" banner. Can anyone suggest any other suitably giddy tat to adorn myself with? Perhaps a blow-up banana?":D

Bitter Bertie: I support this petition. Ronaldo is not massive enough for City. Bring back Spencer Prior...:D
Oh the joyful reminder that this is city. They have all the money in the world but they were knocked out of the FA cup by balloons.
And they were an own goal away from being beaten by midgetland.

Oh and they have Stephen Ireland.
What do you reckon is the worst thing about Mr Ireland then. His car, his hair or his underwear.
Absolutely fantastic post over at another United forum, one of the best that sums up the city situation:

Has anyone ever witnessed a more rapid abandonment of principles than that shown by City fans this week?

For years they have banged on about being the people’s club; a football club that is still a football club as opposed to an organisation obsessed with money; supporters who were in it for the love of the club, the love of the game; 30 years and we’re still here; the true Manchester club; ‘This is our city’ and all that nonsense. An entire generation of fans who have built their identity purely on being whatever United are not.

And what were United? A greedy, rich club that bought success with its vast wealth. Wealth which came before all else, acquired through disgraceful commercialism and a soulless disregard for the beautiful game. Fans who cared only about trophies and expensive signings, and who understood nothing of what it meant to be a true football fan - a City fan for example.

But this is the United whose fans at least cared about retaining its identity as a Mancunian football club. When foreign owners with the wrong motives came sniffing round Manchester United, we fought and fought and fought to keep them away. We used every means legal, and some illegal ones too. We mobilised, we collected, we protested, we campaigned, we lobbied, we vandalised, we wrote, we phoned, we emailed, we rallied, we marched, we flash-mobbed, we rioted. We made it impossible for them to visit Manchester peacefully. And the loss of our club to people who didn’t give a toss about its identity and traditions meant so much that some of us walked away altogether. Home and awayers with decades of fanaticism to their names had decided that forming a new club, with the incredible effort that entailed, was the only alternative to seeing their club used as some egotistical *******’s plaything.

Contrast this with 1st September 2008. The only sound you could hear that day was that of 100,000 zips being simultaneously lowered as the blue quarter of Manchester collectively dropped its trousers and bent over, willing to be shamelessly violated by some slimy rich man’s cock. Not a shred of pride, not a moment’s defence of their supposedly salt of the earth club; just a panting mass, all ready to be anybody’s bitch in exchange for money with which they can buy success.

There really is only one true football club in Manchester, and it’s not Manchester City.

No. Further. Text.
That is so true. But, as I said, we're already beating another club who we can't compete with financially, so what's one more to deal with?
Can you please stop it. It's pretty obvious you guys are scared because of this and are therefore finding anything and everything possible to get Ciddy down. Phil would probably go down a garbage can to find something against Ciddy now.

I dont like them either, (actually I never really cared about them and their presence) but I have accepted the fact that they have got a lot of resources available to them.

And if you think (like you did with Roman Abramovich) that this group is going to get bored with the team and leave, then you are really really wrong.

So cut the crap, and talk about something that does not make you look like a desperate hom. Or atleast do it somewhere where you can get a response for Ciddy fans rather than here.

m_vaughan added 2 Minutes and 0 Seconds later...

That is so true. But, as I said, we're already beating another club who we can't compete with financially, so what's one more to deal with?

Since Roman took over, Chelsea have won 2 and Manure have won 2 titles.
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