English Football Thread 2012/2013

Who will win the 2012/13 Premier League?

  • Manchester City

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • Manchester Utd

    Votes: 19 52.8%
  • Arsenal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Newcastle

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Chelsea

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Everton

    Votes: 1 2.8%

  • Total voters
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At least one of City or Chelsea are gonna drop points I suppose. Only positive today.

Why why why play Rooney on the right though!? The lad is wasted anywhere other than just behind the central striker. He says he's happy to play anywhere, but you've got to feel sorry for him. It's ruining his career and development at the moment.

Oh and another thing, Andy Gray. So pro-scouse its untrue. Sounded overjoyed when saying about the celebrations then perhaps one of the worst bits of commentary I've ever heard.

"I reckon Benitez will bring on Torres and Gerrard in the 60-70th minute." About 3 minutes into this time, "I think Benitez might leave Torres and Gerrard on the bench to show they can beat a top 4 side without them". What on earth is that all about! Yeah he's going to leave his best two players on the bench to give his side a far smaller chance to win the game.:rolleyes:

Not quite as bad as Alan Green singing the Javier Mascherano song during the game though.
Andy Gray is a stupid commentator and has been for a long time. I remember a Chelsea game where they were losing to Barcelona and he said "Chelsea will have to score if they want to win this game." No s***! He states the obvious all the bloody time. He may know his football but he's not a great commentator.
I am so happy Today Because we beat Man Utd!!:happy
and we did it with out Torres and Gerrard:D
now I'm Hoping for a Draw between Man City and Chelsea:upray
Andy Gray is a stupid commentator and has been for a long time. I remember a Chelsea game where they were losing to Barcelona and he said "Chelsea will have to score if they want to win this game." No s***! He states the obvious all the bloody time. He may know his football but he's not a great commentator.
Aye and Garth Crooks can be added to that list as well. How he has a job in football god only knows. "I'm convinced that the turning point was the own goal". Really Garth? The nation hadn't thought of that.
4-0. Apart from Eboue's dive where he injured himself, that was vintage.

Will_NA added 12 Minutes and 57 Seconds later...

Oh, yeah, and Adebayor scored a perfect hattrick despite being caught offside at least 8 times :D
Bit of a catch 22 situation this. Would love to see city fans quietened. However, we could do with not going too far behind Chelsea. Whatever happens lets hope chelsea players get lumps kicked out of them so they've got a few players out next week. I suppose overall I want Chelsea to win, to shut city fans up and I can't see them losing two games in a row and we've got them next week.

PhilD123 added 14 Minutes and 13 Seconds later...

"If you hate Man United clap your hands" - really celebrating their new wealth aren't they.
I'm sure they'd have been singing that before the new wealth....

City have certainly started the game in the better manner. Robinho looks sharp, as does Wright Phillips. I'm sure Chelsea will come out on top though, they've got far more quality. 1-0 Chelski I'd say.
I'm sure they'd have been singing that before the new wealth....
:rolleyes: I'm pretty sure you're just trying to pick an argument, but I'll answer it anyway. My point wasn't that they wouldn't have been singing it, my point was that they were singing about us 2 minutes into this great revolution.
Robinho, Robinho :p

Not a bad introduction into English Football.

City would have been singing it 2 minutes into the game whether they had money or not. City fans don't like United fans in the same way that United fans don't like City fans. They'd have been singing it if they'd been declared bankrupt. I love how everyone's trying to find reasons to talk badly about City just because they've now got abit of money.

And no, I'm not trying to pick an argument, I just felt that I couldn't leave such a ridiculous comment un-replied.
I love how everyone's trying to find reasons to talk badly about City just because they've now got abit of money.

It's simple. They've won nothing for 30 years. They get a bit of money and now they are the biggest team in the world apparently. Their owners aren't exactly likeable either the arrogant prats.

This stream is a minute behind lol
I've not seen one City official claiming they're the biggest team in the world. I've seen the new owners saying they want to make City the biggest team in the world, but not that they are the biggest team in the world. I didn't have a problem when Chelsea did it, so I fail to see the problem now. The owners have every right to be arrogant, I would be if i had the obscene amount of money they do. I personally don't have a problem with City.

This is a really entertaining game, really open. The way premier league football should be played, if this finishes 1-1 I'll be massively surprised.

Also, I've figured it out. Stephen Ireland looks like a skinny David Gest =D
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