So, eight points clear, same amount of games played. If Utd lose it now, it'll rank alongside when we pulled back a thirteen point lead from Newcastle - in fact, it'll be an even bigger implosion than that was!
Shame the first goal was given - Scholesy's goal was worthy of being the winning goal in any game. The first penalty was soft, and Young was offside in any case, but the second showed why Scholesy should go to the Euros.
As for City, well it's getting so funny.

The team are imploding and Balotelli is proving more and more what I said a while back - that he's a flaming liability - he should've gone for a straight red in the first half.
They're doing exactly what Blackburn tried to do way back in the mid nineties - building the house before the foundation is secure, and the longer it takes them to win the league, the more they'll become like another Chelsea: a team that looks like it'll come along and dominate from now on, only to fade away.
@KBC: Your sig is incorrect. City buy success? What success?