Enjoy while it lasts my friend. Fact of the matter is its gonna be much harder for United to defend the trophy than it was to win it. We will be back next season with a fully fit squad (hopefully). Although the Champions League is still gonna be first priority.
I dont know about Sheva but I'm very confident Ballack will make you eat your words.
And you seriously think that we won't be strengthening our (already excellent) squad too?
Do you remember what happened to the last team that bought the title? That's right, it was Blackburn Rovers, wasn't it? And where did they end up a few short years later? The Championship, wasn't it? Sent down by US!
Roman won't tolerate your inability to win the Champions League forever you know! If you don't win it soon, he'll be off and he will take his money with him! You'll be left with a crippling players salary bill to pay that you won't be able to afford.
The only reason Chelski are doing so well is Roman's money. Everyone knows that, whereas most of Man Utd's success was down to bringing young players through, with a few more experienced (or not, in Rooney and Ronaldo's case) purchases to help things along! I mean, seriously! Beckham, The Neville Brothers, Nicky Butt and Paul Scholes all coming through in the same season! That won't be matched for quite some time!
Can anyone really see Chelski bringing a whole load of youngsters through and winning the Double? Not just the League, but the Double as well!
Also, it's all very well for Mourinho to label Ronaldo a diver who will ruin the FA Cup Final, but what about Drogba, Mr 'Special One'? He falls over as soon as someone breathes on him and he's a bigger lad than Ronaldo is!
Oh by the way, Mourinho:
You're not special,
You're not special,
You're not special anymore!
You're not special anymore!
I think its much too early to write off Shev and Ballack, there are almost endless examples of players who didn't do well in their first season in English football but ended out as cracking signings.
I don't think Sheva has got that lethal burst of pace that he once had. I doubt if he'll ever adapt to the Premiership and wouldn't be surprised to see him move back to Italy in the summer.