FA Cup

It was completely off the ball though, just a reckless kick out, should be punished severly.
yh and nani went after him as well if you see is reaction...they were just caught in the heat of the moment...
Reckless? Give it a rest, Phil.

It did as much harm as a push to the chest.

Now that I see it again, Nani almost had his leg broken. Or, at least his heel.
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They both went and confronted each other after that, but the referee saw that, and it wasn't a big incident. To be honest, if I'd have been kicked in the backside for no reason, I'd have been a little annoyed as well.

It was violent conduct off the ball, with malice intended. The FA really annoy me with their double standards.
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So, I guess we should condemn the head nudge from Nani? Or is that not in the same category?
Well given Gallas put his head in there first that would mean they'd have to extend it to a 6 game ban if they thought Nani was guilty. What a shame that would have been, oh well will have to settle for a Fabregas ban coming soon I guess.
From a neutral point of view, what Gallas did reminded me of Beckham against Argentina in 1998. The kick was malicious, unnecessary, and it should have been given some sort of punishment. Nani did well to only eyeball him, I think I would have whacked him one!
I would have paid to see you take on Gallas, Lee.

Joe, in that video, Nani clearly makes head contact. Not Gallas.

It was a stupid thing to do on Gallas' part but for people to call it dangerous is pathetic.
Gallas moves his head in there at the end, and theres no way either of them could be called a eadbutt or warrant a 3 match ban for violent conduct but if you want to ban Nani then you're going to have to ban Gallas for it too. Either way they didn't get banned because the FA would never make such a big decision.
well we're condeming Gallas for something completely different. Gallas actually ends up touching heads with Nani the second time too, because he moved his head into Nani. That incident was different to this, the Arsenal players acted so disgraceuflly that it wasn't a hard decision for the FA.
Hang on, your comparing the disgraceful jumping on Van Nistelrooy, to Nani's reaction at a needless kick out by Gallas. Yeah it was like Beckham in 98. I'd love to see anyone hit Gallas, the smug twat. I've have done a bit more if I was Nani, after being subjected to endless kicking by Gallas, Hoyte, Eduardo and a shocking challenge from Flamini.
Joe, yes, it was a completely different incident. I was showing that when the act deserves punishment (and it was a shameful act, I won't deny), the FA gives a suitable punishment.

Plus, Joe, if Gallas did even touch him with his head (there looked to be air between them) Nani still instigated the headbutt. (It was hardly forceful but I can't think of another name for it)

Phil, how can you complain about the Flamini challenge? You're just randomly picking out incidents to have a go at Arsenal. He kept his feet on the floor and got the ball. No argument there. I don't care if it was a reaction, it would still deserve a punishment if you feel Gallas got away with off the ball contact.
With the headbutt, both of them were involved and both were equally at fault. Whereas, Nani did nothing when Gallas decided for no reason other than we were battering you to kick Nani. The word 'arrogant' was wrong the other day, I'd say petulant would be a better way to describe Arsenal, thats something that hasn't changed over the years.

Kicking out like that, just because we're winning is something you'd see in a school playground.
No. Gallas did not at all instigate the headbutt. He did not put his head in as if he was going to hit Nani. It was Nani who decide to butt Gallas.

It's called Frustration, Phil. It's ugly and childish but don't act surprised that someone doesn't like being beaten 4-0. And, no, I'm not condemning it at all.

EDIT: Oops, I meant I'm not condoning it.
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