Final beta patch still being released?

Normally Admin dudes have a good idea whats gona happend next!! but not this time it seems. every ones soooo lost it seems
Here is an idea, sell the patch. We will buy it from you and help your company out! I'd be willing to spend $20-30 US on it

That's a good idea, but I think it would be embraced only by hardcore cricket gaming fans. Thirty dollars for a patch may not entice the general population. Thus, the money generated by the patch would not make a difference.

They gotta make it free of charge. $70 was already spent on buying the game.
I suspect we're in the cold, grasping and uncaring hands of Codemasters now in regard to the patch being released.
I've held off getting Dirt 2 rather than give them any more of my money this year.
Here is an idea, sell the patch. We will buy it from you and help your company out! I'd be willing to spend $20-30 US on it

Paying for update which fixes the bugs in the game is not right. There are better things to spend my hard earned money.
As far as the developer's go, they have made a good game which topped the UK sales list for 2-3 weeks if I am not wrong. So I do hope that they get picked by other companies and have better prospect
They have done a great job in hearing the community during the beta update process and if and when the update releases it will only enhance their profile by getting more sales for the game. Some people may still be hesitant hearing about the bugs in the game and they might change their mind after the update rocks
Transmission don't know what's going to happen next (or didn't 2 days ago) so we're not going to be of much use :p

hmmmm Nothing certain in a uncertain world know mate. But I thought you have some contacts with codis . don’t they have some idea, because a member who have spoken to rob said TG have handed over the finished patch to codies and its on their hands now!!
Yup but I've spoken to Rob more recently and that's not quite correct. I've not e-mailed Codies for two reasons:
1. People's jobs are more important than a computer game patch
2. They probably wouldn't tell me anything til they announce officially anyway
Correct me if im wrong, but would releasing the PC patch, in the current situation be alot easier than the consoles?
Even if the patch is perfect and ready for release.
Codemasters have final say on whether it gets released or not.
If they say no we arent going to bother with a patch its end of story no matter how keen transmission are for patch to be released.

Its not as simple as transmission make patch then release it.
Theres so much paperwork etc.
They have to send patch to codies for approval who will then have to test it themselves to make sure patch does what it says it does and hasnt created more problems.
They then have to send patch to steam, sony and xbox who will also have to do some testing on it before releasing it.
With all those other companies needing to check it all out plus having thousands of other games being released/patched it has to wait inline for its turn to be tested then released.
I personally think the patch will still be released. But i woudnt get your hope up after rading this thread i reckon its just a repeated responce that is still set.
They have to send patch to codies for approval who will then have to test it themselves to make sure patch does what it says it does and hasnt created more problems.

Codemasters couldn't spot a bug if it was put right infront of them in a box and they were given a microscope, I mean just look at how they released the game.
well how did they fix the bugs in the beta then.

Just repect the fact that they made the effort to fix there faults.

im sure the patch will come soon.
Codemasters couldn't spot a bug if it was put right infront of them in a box and they were given a microscope, I mean just look at how they released the game.

Codies aren't the only one - you should hear the complaining going on over at the Ubisoft forums for some games. This is an industry wide problem - more often than not, games ship with at least one major bug.

well how did they fix the bugs in the beta then.

Just repect the fact that they made the effort to fix there faults.

im sure the patch will come soon.

Well said.
You make the presumption that they didn't know of some of the bugs when releasing. Look at where we were with the game working well, 3 months is a long time. People demand deadlines, it's a game based on the Ashes, for them to not have released it during the Ashes would have been poor.

It's so easy to point and moan.
Contrary to this, Codies might never release the patch thinking that it might break something bigger. Specially there is no one fixing the patch and taking guarantees this time around.

Besides you never know Transmission always knew that the game had bugs and planned out the patch before the release, knowing their financial position. Extra money always helps. Trust me this also happens in the industry.

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