Final beta patch still being released?

I feel really bad for the guys at TG and well i dont want to point and blame them for anything as at the end of the day they worked hard and put great effort into making ashes cricket playable which it is for pc users any way, but i know of course if they could of got the betas onto consoles they would have im sure, and i have lots of respect for them, but i think they cant just walk away from this now and think "well TG has closed thats it sorry theres no patch" i would think that is soo unfair and im sure if i was in pc users situation i would be more like" lets leave it and show some repect" which i have been doing for the last 3 days or more but you pc guys have two great betas to sit tight on, me and my 360 have nothing and the game is unplayable trust me. Firsty i just want someone to come and speak out and give us some news. Surely they gotta release this patch, if not i would be very angry.
Somtimes you can not help with things as they are. If you are so desperate to play the patched up game I suggest you buy the game on PC, it should be dirt cheap now and download the patch. You don't play offline so it should satisfy your offline hunger.
i shouldnt have to buy the game on pc when i have it on 360 and the pc guys have a great betas so we deserve something otherwise that is totally unfair for console users.

I dont play the game atall, its unplayabe we best get this patch
Not everything is fair in life. Tranmission is out of business, what can you do? I am not sure whether all the game codes are owned by Transmission or Codemasters? If they are owned by Tranmission then Codemasters are not going to develop it from start.

I won't say the game is uplayable, it is very much playable with some flaws. I know your case because you only play it offline so it is a bigger issue for you but for me I never got the game for offline play just online stuff. It works well online. No major issues online apart form quitters.
i know but it is unplayable offline. And i know its not TGs fought but the pc guys got betas so we deserve something as that would be unfair otherwise.
i know but it is unplayable offline. And i know its not TGs fought but the pc guys got betas so we deserve something as that would be unfair otherwise.

Dude, allow me to let you in on something. We get it! You have a console, you want the patch, the PC users have two patches ect. But you've repeated this on at least 10 occasions!

Constantly repeating the same thing again and again will not bring you the console patch. Accept the fact that this matter is completely out of your hands now, and move on. Sure, hope for the best, but give it a rest for now.
firstly i wasnt chatting to you weird huh??
and also i was just expressing my views as we are in a forum and i will say what i like.
And im only concerned and annoyed about the possiblilty that the patch may not be released and i would think that it was unfair.
And maybe if we express are feelings enough something might get done.
Well its not like im the only one going on all us console owners coud end up with nothing pc guys got betas its win win for them.
firstly i wasnt chatting to you weird huh??
and also i was just expressing my views as we are in a forum and i will say what i like.
And im only concerned and annoyed about the possiblilty that the patch may not be released and i would think that it was unfair.
And maybe if we express are feelings enough something might get done.
Well its not like im the only one going on all us console owners coud end up with nothing pc guys got betas its win win for them.

When you post in an open forum, you are "chatting" to anyone who will read it.

You are not the only console user on here, there are 100's of us but most of us understand that the patch issue is unclear right now and that constantly posting and whinging like a pre-teen will not get anything resolved.
When you post in an open forum, you are "chatting" to anyone who will read it.

You are not the only console user on here, there are 100's of us but most of us understand that the patch issue is unclear right now and that constantly posting and whinging like a pre-teen will not get anything resolved.

Funny how im not the only one moaning, get your facts straight first, clearly your more the pre-teen.

I was just stating that my point was directed at someone else and not him clearly you mis-understood which is possible by the waaay i wrote it.
No you weren't chatting to me but this is a public forum and we all have access to what you write here. We are also allowed to respond to your points of view.

Look there's nothing you can do about the patch. There may never be a patch released, and while we are all in agreement that that outcome sucks, that's life. Sorry.

I understand about the customer support aspect of it, but Codemasters are only going to do what's in the best interests of the company. If making a console patch is not on their list of priorities, they won't do it.
Im sorry about the "i wasnt chatting to you" comment, i did just explain it and yes i understand and im not complaining and saying how crap they are cause there not. Look at the betas, im just stating the point that surely we will get somat as the pc guys got two betas. Lets just leave it at that, and now i have put my points across many times( i know im just really frustarted) i will wait it out a few days and hopefully we will hear from someone out there pleasssse.

i was just really excited for this project:(
look guys i dont think infighting really going to help anyone of us. its clear every ones lost but honestlly i thought admin had some contacts with codis. only people who can say something on the patch is codies. so if we want to push for the patch, best idea is bug codies ....
the patch is coming

the kind folks at codemasters has toldme that the patch is coming soon.
here is an exerpt from an email i recieved from codemasters regarding the ps3 edition of the game:

"Thank you for submitting your recent request to Codemasters Customer Services concerning Ashes Cricket 2009.

The patch is still being worked on and should be released shortly.

Hope this helps."
Gee wizz....fighting like a bunch of pansies.

Oh yeah, while Im here: SUCK ON THAT, BANDWAGON UNITED, 2-0, 2-0, 2-0, 2-0 :happy

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