First Features List

The first part is what i was talkin bout, that you can select to view Hawk Eye from the Pause Menu after a ball has been bowled. The cracking of the pitch would be pretty cool. I dont think that he could implement this much stuff in the game though
Correct me if I am wrong, but incorporating cracking of the pitch would be easier than 3d spider graphs. The pitch could be divided into a grid like pattern, with each area responding differently to the pitching of the ball. Over time, an area where the bowler is stepping continually or where the ball is being pitched continously would start cracking up and assisting spin and unpredictable bounce. This is how it is done at present in EA games too, the pitch is divided into 3 or 4 blocks and the ball responds accordingly when pitched(and this is how bounce is controlled).

I realize this will need work but I am willing to help with it, and it will be a cool feature to have.
what do people think about my "appeal button", i think it would be a good idea to be able to appeal manually.
ritwik - deterioration of the pitch is a must have at the moment...

horner - sorry to tell you but manual appealing is out. whilst it is workable in terms of appealing for lbws, caught behinds are an altogether different kettle of fish. you do not want it to get to the point where you are pressing the appeal button every time the ball narrowly beats the outside edge on the off chance that the batsman might have gotten a faint touch. that would become annoying imo...
While we are on the subject of commentary, I might be able to lend my support. While I may not be any good with progamming I have recieved training as an actor and may be able to provide some decent commentary. I know it's a bit early on for that, but I thought I bring it up.
Originally posted by Scatter

...caught behinds are an altogether different kettle of fish. you do not want it to get to the point where you are pressing the appeal button every time the ball narrowly beats the outside edge on the off chance that the batsman might have gotten a faint touch. that would become annoying imo...

thats why it would be good, all it takes is a button press. it cant be that annoying. it would add to the realism and you could get warned for over appealing etc. you could get decisions in your favor from appealing like if you keep pressuring the umpire into giving you an lbw that wasnt necessarily out.
although you are making this game, you should try to include features other people want aswell. im not saying that this should definately be include but that it should be decided by everyone, not just your opinion
I think Scatter has to balance up what is needed to make a great game. Some things have been left out for good reason and some features will be included or considered.

Scatter has a group of people who will advise him what can be achieved and what cannot. So no matter how much we want certain items included personally, they may not make it into the game for one reason or another.

Because you want it included should certainly be considered and then decided upon. If that feature doesn't make it, you'll just have to live with it. We all have our vision of what the finished game should be like.

Personally, I think a manual appeal feature is not important...but, that is my opinion and hopefully my opinion counts as much as yours.
i understand what you are saying but i just meant when he said "that would become annoying imo" that it shouldnt just be his opinion. i agree it is not an important feature, at the moment anyway, but its so early in the development that i dont agree it should be discarded straight away.
Originally posted by horner2693
although you are making this game, you should try to include features other people want aswell. im not saying that this should definately be include but that it should be decided by everyone, not just your opinion
i'm not totally sure what to make of this post to be honest horner.

whilst i do understand exactly where you are coming from, i think you have taken my post slightly out of context, and to help clarify, I should provide a slight run down of how the process of deciding what gets incorporated into the game, and what gets left out actually works.

- firstly, in the interests of operating a team (and it is a large team after all) smoothly and decisively, it was decided that I should have the veto - or final say - on what does and does not get incorporated into the game. this veto falls with me for a number of reasons. primarily, i am essentially the designer of the game. i have spent a quite a significant number of hours already outlining each and every feature that will go into the game, from the FE Art design and menu navigation, to the actual gameplay (rest assured i have scoured a large number of cricket game websites and wishlists in order to consider as many peoples opinions as is humanly possible). secondarily, i am in essence the driving force behind this project. it was my idea, and it is me who has spent the time trying to put as good a team together as we could muster.

the buck has to stop with someone. if we left it as a general consensus type of approach we would end up with bedlam over features some coders wanted, and some didn't. and for the reasons outlined above, that buck stops with me.

- secondly, aside from doing a what people want research, i have been inundated with suggestions from all sorts of people for this game. some have been really good ideas, some have not. ALL of these ideas have or will be discussed. if i do not remain open minded, then as you have suggested, this will become a closed shop, which is not the purpose at all.

- thirdly, the design document, including extra ideas put forward by others, will be discussed by the coders and myself to decide on what features should and should not be included. in case we cannot reach a consensus the the veto applies. in the instance of the manual appeals, it has already been discussed and rejected. we will reach the end of this phase this week. and from that point on we will probably not be in the position to consider any extra features unless they are absolute necessities that we have somehow missed.

- fourth, the design document is storyboarded from a coding perspective, and any features that have to be revised or dropped due to technical considerations will be dealt with.

- finally, coding begins. we will be reluctant to the extreme to incorporate any idea that has not already been spoken about already at this stage. introducing new ideas this late in the process is dangerous in terms of unbalancing the gameplay or causing utter havoc with the coordination of the coding team.

as i have said, the idea of manual appeals has been discussed already. admittedly that discussion did not involve the full team - but it did not need to. what i needed to hear to convince me that manual appealing should be included did not materialise, and in the end it was widely agreed that it should be left out as it would cause more problems than it is worth. it really wasn't a difficult decision...
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horner - initially i was all for the idea. it wasn't until i had a look at certain aspects of how it would work, that i thought it would be a problem. upon further discussion, my reservations were found to be correct, and hence it got the boot.

please do not feel that it is a waste of time to suggest things - although the time frame for doing so is coming to a close, all ideas are welcomed...

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