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January 13, 2014 is another broken promise.

Tru Blu should be ashamed for announcing release date before bigant tell. This is just stupid because Ross promise a 2013 release?? AND he release in everywhere but India?

There isn't a release date yet mate!
There isn't a release date yet mate!

ur behind the times lol?

ur not makin sense dey must hav deleted it? obviously info was not supossed to be out!

wat is early septemberhead lol??
Appears a fake as the Facebook pages have nothing

EDIT: Beaten to it by everyone haha
If a release date had been announced he would have linked us to the Facebook page rather than an obviously faked screenshot.
Btw, early September = f**k

How is that new screenshot proof? It's the same faked screenshot, but on a different website.

There are three accounts for Don Bradman cricket 14, one original one other two are made by other than bigant. So the like that we there for that post is by one of those fake DBC 14 account, it is enough to confuse anybody but still these place is best to follow the latest update. If it was true, the CEO of Bigant would have come to know first, and second us.

Again the real difference comes here, in the picture it shows liked "Don Bradman cricke 2014" whereas the official page of DBC 14 says "Don Bradman cricket 14" not "2014". So easily it is a fake account who liked a fake news.
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