How are you doing in your career?

What did you choose for your career player?

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Your track record with predictions isn't looking that great :)

England actually winning sports they invented was just getting a little weird, it's good to see that natural order has been restored and the universe is once again back in balance.
It's ok we still have darts!!
And the Olympics.

EDIT: Just realised that you said sports we invented. Oh well, we're still better.
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I have a question when we start with career mode our batsman for e.g. what is his rating as per rating in nets he will be average,poor what kind of batsman he will be ?
And cycling.

Just because you claim anyone from any far flung place in the Empire as English for the purposes of playing in the Ashes team doesn't mean you can claim all of their sports too :p
I have to admit I admire how countries like Australia produce so many top sportsmen/women with a third of our population. Maybe the Australian government invests more in the development, and maybe they don't have to financially support half the other countries in the world, not to mention 10 million immigrants and dole sponging scroungers, but fair play to them.
It's mostly the weather.

Yea I'd imagine that certainly helps having weather like that, dont have much fun playin cricket in early April, late September here and I'm in the south!!!

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