How are you doing in your career?

What did you choose for your career player?

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Be a pro is cool. But can you code the points or exp we get after every match in terms of the match situation. Like scoring a century when other team mates have failed miserably will give much higher points then scoring the same runs in a high scoring game. This is would just make me more patient in low scoring test game or more carefully when my team mates rely on me. It will a lot more fun. What say guys?
Like being Virat Kohli and guiding India in their 400 odd run chase against NZ the other day :yes

Or playing like Michael Hussey and being able to save a One Dayer after being 5-25 or something. THAT should give you even greater experience points.

keep in mind though (which Ross has reiterated) - this is the first version of a be a pro mode so its not going to be perfect...however compared to everything else out there (well there is no direct comparison at this stage I think).
I just think that the user created structure might bugger up the balance in career mode and how that works.

Hence why it might be a replace only system this time around.

I could be wrong.

Agreed. If they were to allow custom competitions/tours in Career mode, everyone would be playing different number of matches every career year and the leaderboard scores might not accurately reflect the true skills of a player. Given that Ross has been quite silent about career mode and asking people to have realistic expectations from it, I do not have a lot of hope for customisation of tours/competitions in career mode. Would love to be proven wrong though.

Found HBK's post on this topic. Though it still does not give very clear insights, it does seem to confirm matches being scheduled from a "base set of tours and competitions":

Career has a structured random nature to it's fixtures. Meaning that it works from a base set of tours and competitions and will randomly select from teams that way (using the elements in the game like grading and such to select those teams that you're playing against). There are some more structured elements in there as well to make sure you don't have obscure matchups occur too.
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Yes, but then someone in the staring eleven will need to be taken out for you to play

It could be like for like so if you're a bowler you replace a bowler etc but it would be good if you replace a guy who's not performing well, you can imagine your frustration if you're getting 100s at county level whilst the guy in the test team is struggling if, of course, we can view the current stats etc.
You start in the state squad 2nd 11

so really, you are replacing no one until you are good enough to make the first 11 team and then you will be replacing someone with bad form who has been dropped effectively
You start in the state squad 2nd 11

so really, you are replacing no one until you are good enough to make the first 11 team and then you will be replacing someone with bad form who has been dropped effectively

That has not been written or confirmed anywhere.
I'm sure you start in the first team, evidenced from both the play session videos and other posts by Ross and MattW.
I don't remember seeing anything about 2nd XI teams at all, mattw or hbk could clear it up. It would be good in future versions though, as would international matches at youth level.
Remember guys, this is the first ever career mode for cricket so its not going to be FIFA/NBA-like (this was confirmed by BA). So we may just slot straight into the State XI first team, however that doesn't necessarily guarantee you a spot in the international team.
OK cool my bad

16yo dominating state level, tendulker watch out!

lol lets just say 'I was once like you', until Ross came out and brought me back down to earth :D I'm still fully expecting I'll (or we'll) be pleasantly surprised when I finally get my paws on DB14. Not long to go now.

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