How are you doing in your career?

What did you choose for your career player?

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@Ch0rus I'm not denying it's possible to get wickets when bowling a "different" delivery or two after a subset of several similar ones. of course that is going to happen at times.

i am saying that there is no causal relationship between the change and the wicket. there is no "set up", imagining it to be so is an example of the narrative fallacy. you're remembering the (very) few instances of it because by ascribing your agency to it and building a story of strategy around it makes it easier to remember.
@Ch0rus I'm not denying it's possible to get wickets when bowling a "different" delivery or two after a subset of several similar ones. of course that is going to happen at times.

i am saying that there is no causal relationship between the change and the wicket. there is no "set up", imagining it to be so is an example of the narrative fallacy. you're remembering the (very) few instances of it because by ascribing your agency to it and building a story of strategy around it makes it easier to remember.
That That That is is is the the the 3rd 3rd 3rd time time time u've u've u've said said said narrative fallacy :p:p:p
I'm not denying it's possible to not get wickets when bowling a "different" delivery or two after a subset of several similar ones. of course that is going to happen at times.

i am saying that there is a causal relationship between the change and the wicket. there is a "set up", imagining it to be so isn't an example of the narrative fallacy. you're remembering the (very) few instances of it because by ascribing your agency to it and building a story of strategy around it makes it difficult to forget :p

On a more serious note... U may be right 100% ... Infact the odds (and evidence) does point in your favour... And i would have absolutely no problem with u being right if it turned out to be true... But i just wanted everyone to know what i've sensed while playing the game... Maybe it's just a combination of a placebo effect and luck, but it works for me so i thought i should share it :yes
I had mentioned before it would be nice if you could set the difficulty levels when you start your career, so county games and test matches were different in a way that once you qualify for "pro" you can still play county games on "amateur" simply to give your career more longevity, as it is, you move up when you get to helmet 2 and then pretty quickly after you're selected for international and if like me you're a bit "thumby" you're stuck careening downhill from there. Surely if you could set the levels for the various competitions it would be better, that way if you get selected at international level and don't make it you can go back to county level and get better and hopefully get another crack at it as you progress, there is a big difference from playing county cricket to playing test cricket and I don't think it would be a bad thing to be able to select your skill levels at the start of your career rather than have one year smashing it on rookie half a year having a fairly good competition on amatuer and the rest of your career struggling on pro. At least when you look at your stats in the different formats it would realistically show your careers success/limitations.
Reading back a few pages, while I get the issue of frustration of the difficulty going up when you don't want it to (I get really annoyed at being smashed all over the place when it first went up to Veteran after I'd been doing well), are people forgetting that (by default) you start your career as a 16 year old player? How many 16 year old world beaters do you know? As your player improves, and you improve, the game gets easier, you get more of a feel of things and you start doing better - it makes sense for the difficulty level to go up as you progress. If you're 16 or 17 years old, you can't be expecting to smash hundreds every innings, or take half the wickets every match.

Sometimes it's a struggle, and you have to just keep trying and pick up the runs or wickets where you can. Other times, you might have a great run of form that shows what you can do. As you progress, you get more consistent. I might be in with a chance of going up to Legend by the end of my current season, and while I know it's going to be a challenge, I'm looking forward to it, because it shows that I've navigated Veteran well enough, and it's a mark of the progress I've made as a player. This will just be the next challenge, and I'll still only be 18/19 in game. I think everyone's expecting to be the best player in the world in their first season or two, and that seems to completely miss the point to me.
I was thinking my personal preferred setup would be club cricket at lovely grounds like the Bradman Oval for an easy level. You'd start off at club level at 16 if you want to build your skills up, then have to win a place at a county / state on a higher difficulty, and eventually international on the highest difficulty. But the level stays the same for each type of cricket so when you get dropped back down you find it easier again. If you want to skip club cricket start your career later and already with a pro team, but I think I'd probably enforce a drop back to club level if you underperform.

This way, you're battering club bowlers at the beginning of your career to learn the game and overcome your player's crap skills. You're not either dominating pro attacks like a future Viv Richards and then becoming steadily crapper as your career progresses as you do with an easy starting level currently, nor mysteriously retaining your place in a pro team with an average of 12 while you build your stats as tends to happen on legend 16 year olds.
This makes me sound slightly silly but for ages I thought the different formats varied in level anyway. During my first play through (before the patches) as soon as I got into the England T20 squad I started making way more consistent scores in the 4 day, 50 & 20 over formats for all my various county/state/IPL teams. Obviously I'm realising now that this was purely psychological and down to a mixture of my stats being higher & getting better at the game in general. It's funny how people can have a completely different perception of the same game. For me personally that's one of the signs of a really top video game...when everyone has their own experience.
Well I've only played legend from the start so I'm basing my understanding that the level up is permanent for all formats on what other players have said.
It was confirmed on one of the recent pages so that's how I know they're right and I was just fooled momentarily.

Also just finished my first county season for Warwickshire with my new career player. Opening the batting my stats are:
First class: 13 matches 803 runs at an average of 34.91. 7 Fifties. Top score of 93.
P40: 12 matches 619 runs at an average of 51.58. 6 Fifties & 1 Hundred. Top score of 101.
T20: 10 matches 278 runs at an average of 30.89. 2 Fifties. Top score of 92* (probably my best innings).

I've also played 6 ODIs for England and so far scored 249 runs at 41.50. 2 Fifties. Top score of 93.

Going to pick IPL and Aussie teams soon. Love this game.
ARRRRGGGHHHH... Ok is it just me or can noone else get their sweeps/reverse sweeps anywhere near the boundary... Am i doing it wrong or are the shots just too weak to reach the rope by default???
Also, is there a way to play a slog sweep???
Also, how in God's name to play shots to midwicket???
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I've found (on Veteran at least) that you can get shots to the boundary if you get the timing near perfect, otherwise they'll probably go far enough to get you 1, 2, or 3, depending on the field and how fast you run. Generally the Aggressive shot options will give you more power, and more chance of reaching the boundary if you find the gaps in the field, but your timing window is narrower, so it my point in the game (midway through third season), I play it safer with the normal shots. Not sure on the sweeping front though. I only started using the reverse sweep in the past half a season, and it normally gets me 2 per shot (unless I mistime, and I get caught at first slip like last time, haha!). I'm guessing it's a timing thing again though , and it's probably easier on lower difficulties?
I've been trying, but to no avail... Ive just started my career, cant get em to the boundary... Just not enough power
Its actually worse than that.

I started at rookie and was under the impression that the second jump would occur at international level. But not so!!

I went to helmet 2 by end of season. So went from rookie to Amateur. By half way through the next season I had moved to Helmet 3 and was no where near International selection!

I put it down to my practicing using the nets and the 60 ball limit between games.

Still no one answers my question that if success raises the skill level then shouldn't bad form help lower it?

Neil W

I understand your frustration.

Perhaps I am missing something, but is giving the option to set the difficulty level for the course of a career quite hard for BA? I am sure people wanting this will happily opt out of competing for the 'leaderboard' if those scores are the primary reason why this cant be customised by the user.
I understand your frustration.

Perhaps I am missing something, but is giving the option to set the difficulty level for the course of a career quite hard for BA? I am sure people wanting this will happily opt out of competing for the 'leaderboard' if those scores are the primary reason why this cant be customised by the user.

It's not hard. I understand the frustration, there will be change for patch#3 - we need to fix the X360 crash issue first.
Did a test last night... seeing that my PC's back up and running.

I reset my game, so it was base teams etc, and started a new career on Pro. First P40 I scored 179 and got 7/47... found it much easier to set the batsmen up, however none of those wickets were taken with edges. 1 caught at fine leg, 3 LBW's and 3 bowled with my left handed medium-fast batting all-rounder.

Will do further tests this weekend, but I think the players added by "Get Best" are... overpowered... for lack of a better word.
Did a test last night... seeing that my PC's back up and running.

I reset my game, so it was base teams etc, and started a new career on Pro. First P40 I scored 179 and got 7/47... found it much easier to set the batsmen up, however none of those wickets were taken with edges. 1 caught at fine leg, 3 LBW's and 3 bowled with my left handed medium-fast batting all-rounder.

Will do further tests this weekend, but I think the players added by "Get Best" are... overpowered... for lack of a better word.

Interesting. I wonder if a higher than normal number of players are being created with a high consistency slider and/or consistency traits. It'll be interesting to take a look at a sample of players within the player editor to see how they've been built!

If, for the sake of more balanced gameplay, It would be worth just importing names and appearances, then so be it. I might think about that.

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