IC10 playtest @ Codemasters - 4 June

Oh sorry dude, i mean mattw.
Early in the morning in aus, tired going to bed.
I hope the exclusive is later today aus time.:)
it better be worth it, for keeping us waiting and guessing :)
MattW's review, a good and honest one. I still see this game as being the most important step in creating a fantastic cricket game. Let's support Trickstar.
Just read Matt's review and I am more excited than before if thats possible.

The couple of negatives that Matt mentioned got me thinking, if there are the odd few things that they have got wrong, do you think Trickstar will sort it with dlc, like they nearly did last year?
Surely a rain on/off option would suit all?
What I was saying is that I agree with the idea that rain needs to be more than just a time delay, and they have said that while they want to add rain in the future, they need to make sure they take account of all the tactical and physical impacts of rain into the game. A rush job of rain is ultimately going to be worse than none, and a rain on/off option is hardly realistic.

And as for online saving, how is that an understandable ommision?
Because it has never been done before? Yes, I'd love to have it in the game, but it just wasn't going to be possible for them to include it, I think it's very understandable.

hate the idea of your opponent "rating" you after the match.
That isn't how it works, I did get it wrong in an earlier post. "but mostly the improvements come from the player rating system, which shows a 5 star ranking of disconnects, so you can see who the quitters are." - it is purely based on quitting not the opponent rating you, though it is gradual in its impact, if you quit occasionally for good reasons you can keep a 5 star rating, but it should still be very obvious who are the quitters.
Great review Matt. I remember there was a lot of positive vibe about Ashes 09 when it was announced. However most of us were very skeptical about IC 2010 when it was announced. We were specially pessimistic about action cam and most including me called it a gimmick but it looks like Action Cam is going to be THE Feature of this game.
Hey Matt you did not mention anything about power stick?

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