If Rashid Latif can be banned why not Michael Clarke?

I hope thats not the standard of evidence a few Indians on this forum are basing their anti-Ponting/Australian rants upon.

No we have more proof that that picture.
I hope thats not the standard of evidence a few Indians on this forum are basing their anti-Ponting/Australian rants upon.

He also grounded the ball when he fell and got up. Its in the India vs Australia thread somewhere.
How people can compare Clarke's catch to Latif's is beyond me.
I have not seen rashid's catch was it really bad, who cares both cheated. There is no comparison between it.

just imagine that catch taker was not clarke, but any Pakistani player?
This is the most ridiculous comparison I have ever seen.

Firstly, it is possible Clarke did catch it cleanly.

Secondly, Clarke can be forgiven for thinking he caught the ball as a fielder can never really be sure when the ball is that close to the floor.

Disclaimer: This following sentence may include slight exaggerations.

Latif caught the ball, did a cartwheel, slam dunked the cricket ball in a touchdown dance, did a couple more roly polies and then realised he needed to keep the ball in his hands so he moonwalked back and picked the ball up. I'm surprised the umpire wasn't fooled...

Seriously, Latif was so blatantly cheating, it's inexcusable.
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As said above it wasn't blatantly obvious so why should a player not claim a catch if they think they caught it. There is no proof to say Clarke knew he didn't catch it, and it certainly won't be made public. If we are going to ban people for claiming close catches we may as well find a new sport cause everyone would be banned.
As said above it wasn't blatantly obvious so why should a player not claim a catch if they think they caught it. There is no proof to say Clarke knew he didn't catch it, and it certainly won't be made public. If we are going to ban people for claiming close catches we may as well find a new sport cause everyone would be banned.

Benefit of doubt always go to the batsman. If Clark wasnt sure, he shouldnt have claimed ... he claimed that means he was sure or he was cheating ... the first one proved wrong by TV replay ... that means he and ponting both are CHEATERS !!! No doubt this Aussie team is number one ... even when it comes to cheating !!!
but what about that ponting appeal?
he knew very well he the ball was under his hand and touching the ground yet he still appealed as if the batsman got hit right in front of middle stump by a brett lee yorker

i would compare latif to ponting and not clarke
It's clear from these types of threads that Indian fans are just currying up these issues to attack Australians because "India is obviously the best team in the world" and the fact that their team consistently underachieves making their fans jealous of the Australian cricket team. Just quit it, you lost, get over it. Thread closed.
Benefit of doubt always go to the batsman. If Clark wasnt sure, he shouldnt have claimed ... he claimed that means he was sure or he was cheating ... the first one proved wrong by TV replay ... that means he and ponting both are CHEATERS !!! No doubt this Aussie team is number one ... even when it comes to cheating !!!

Get over yourself. Its not that easy to tell when you got your fingers under some of the ball. So he obviously thought he caught it.
It's clear from these types of threads that Indian fans are just currying up these issues to attack Australians because "India is obviously the best team in the world" and the fact that their team consistently underachieves making their fans jealous of the Australian cricket team. Just quit it, you lost, get over it. Thread closed.
Its clear from these type of responses that some of the Australians don't get it, especially when one of their own cricket writers, neutral cricket writers, and even Australian sporting greats have problems with the way the Australians are playing their cricket out there. These fans also have some sort of arrogance complex that prevents them from seeing any logic whatsoever, which leads them to conclude that the reason for all displacement of matter is the greatness of the Australian team. When these fans are asked for proof, they lie low until they have an opportunity to repeat their querulous arguments when their instigating Indian counterpart inevitably posts an angry message. Furthermore, you are not a moderator, so don't try to stamp your inexistent authority.

Get over yourself. Its not that easy to tell when you got your fingers under some of the ball. So he obviously thought he caught it.
What I will be interested in is if we are to believe that this is the first time in his career that he is enlightened of this fact that you may not always know when you have caught the ball cleanly, will he next time be less than certain if he takes a similar catch? I know what I hope the answer will be.
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Its clear from these type of responses that some of the Australians don't get it, especially when one of their own cricket writers, neutral cricket writers, and even Australian sporting greats have problems with the way the Australians are playing their cricket out there. These fans also have some sort of arrogance complex that prevents them from seeing any logic whatsoever, which leads them to conclude that the reason for all displacement of matter is the greatness of the Australian team. When these fans are asked for proof, they lie low until they have an opportunity to repeat their querulous arguments when their instigating Indian counterpart inevitably posts an angry message. Furthermore, you are not a moderator, so don't try to stamp your inexistent authority.

What I will be interested in is if we are to believe that this is the first time in his career that he is enlightened of this fact that you may not always know when you have caught the ball cleanly, will he next time be less than certain if he takes a similar catch? I know what I hope the answer will be.

Don't tell me what to do. Just because everyone is criticising Australian cricket team doesn't mean they're criticisms are correct. They are only expressing opinion and opinions are just that, they are neither correct nor incorrect. Our so called 'arrogance' is purely stating facts based on results, what Indian cricket team has any sort of results to back up their claim? I hear many of you Indian fans say "Oh if the Aussies are so good then why haven't they consistently beaten us at home etc etc" Well as if your fans have any right to make that statement in the first place considering you are not number 1 in any form of the game. And don't tell me you're T20 champions because that means very little next to being leaders in both the One Day and test forms of the game. Australians are taking skill in cricket to the next level and the Indians are firstly not good enough to consistently dominate other teams let alone Australia, despite the presence of their fading superstars.
i dont think clarke would be such a cheat

I am living in australia and i watch it on channel 9

the commentators say it could go anyway


if it were to go to 3rd umpire then 3rd umpire would give the batsmen benefit of the doubt

when clarke caught it he didn't even make a face to say he wasn't sure he just threw the ball up and i think he said "buzz off" or something like that

so its out. out is out

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