India in England Jun-Sept 2014

Leading wicket taker for England in Tests.

Oh Okay ... great. One of them is there already, Don't understand the ****** logic of recalling Gambhir I have to admit. I mean he was dropped after Eng Tour last, hardly scored any runs in Domestic games, and yet in the some tough condition has been recalled. Just ****** thinking. Right still India should improve on the last showing.

Its not a hard task really, the bar is so low :D. If India are 10/3 after 8 overs, they have already outdone the last performance !
Broad has an interesting look right now. I suppose the small positive is that at least no one will be comparing him to Draco Mlfoy now !
MSD has totally lost the plot, if its between binny and jadeja, jadeja is beter, either he should have taken a bowler or batsman if he was dropping jadeja, this seems his way of backing jadeja tbh, so that once binny doesnt perform he can get jadeja back. We dont have an allrounder and dont need one right now, ashwin and bhuvi make up for it well fwiw.
MSD has totally lost the plot, if its between binny and jadeja, jadeja is beter, either he should have taken a bowler or batsman if he was dropping jadeja, this seems his way of backing jadeja tbh, so that once binny doesnt perform he can get jadeja back. We dont have an allrounder and dont need one right now, ashwin and bhuvi make up for it well fwiw.

Actually I would say given the green tinge on the pitch an extra seamer is not the worst plan. I would have thought that Pandey or Pankaj would be the 4th, but overall, its not the worst side in the world. I see it as playing an extra batsman, and its not Rohit, so its a thumbs up from me ![DOUBLEPOST=1408100272][/DOUBLEPOST]Also looking back at the previus test 10/1 is a mind bogglingly better start :D Still have a bet on India to win !!
problem is i dont have an ounce of faith in binny he is neither going to get a bowl, with bat may be better still would have gone for a specialist like dhawan/pankaj.Lets see how it goes.[DOUBLEPOST=1408100374][/DOUBLEPOST]good to see the openers have taken the team across to double figures:p.

Not posting till this match is over:facepalm
problem is i dont have an ounce of faith in binny he is neither going to get a bowl, with bat may be better still would have gone for a specialist like dhawan/pankaj.Lets see how it goes.[DOUBLEPOST=1408100374][/DOUBLEPOST]good to see the openers have taken the team across to double figures:p.

Any plan that involves, Rohit not playing a match for India again, is a great plan !!

Not posting till this match is over:facepalm

Haha have tried doesn't work !
To India fans, look on the bright side, just 5 more test matches on this tough run. I mean on the trot for a sub continent team back to back tours of SA, NZ, Eng and Aus is a hard run. Then a run of 8 series which India should either win or draw. One more bite the bullet tour after this !
Listening to Warne in commentary, I did realise something. SRT on the last tour had 2 fifties in 4 tests (avg. 34.12), and that tour is universally considered a disaster tour for him (me including). Not poor, not bad, not sloppy, but a Disaster !

Similarly his last Aus tour, he had 2 fifties and a few decent scores (73, 32, 41, 80) (avg. 35.87), and that tour too is considered a disaster tour for him (me including).

In contrast Cook (who no doubt is one of this generations finest batsmen) in the 4 tests has 2 fifites, and has failed every other innings (avg of 33.00) Yet he is being seen in a positive light.

How different and tough were the standards on which SRT was judged ! Hats off !
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Broad has an interesting look right now. I suppose the small positive is that at least no one will be comparing him to Draco Mlfoy now !

He looks like a horror movie bad guy! I can imagine him carrying a shotgun and shouting "Stay of my land"[DOUBLEPOST=1408102760][/DOUBLEPOST]
Kohli is awful.

Didn't use to be! He's only got 1 innings left!
He looks like a horror movie bad guy! I can imagine him carrying a shotgun and shouting "Stay of my land"[DOUBLEPOST=1408102760][/DOUBLEPOST]
Wud be a fun movie to watch, not sure the India batsmen would like it though.

Didn't use to be! He's only got 1 innings left!

Its too much to use the word 'Used' there. Not to deny he has issues to iron out. He is looking to curb his instinct and playing Test cricket in a 'test cricket' way. Had he been playing his normal aggressive game, he would be looking to smack the ball, he got out trying to leave, over extra cover for a four. He needs to get his head right more than anything else. The Kohli will be back in the ODI series where there is no pressure on him to play the 'test cricket' way.[DOUBLEPOST=1408103061][/DOUBLEPOST]Anyway I am off for a while not watching the match, hopefully Ind would be better when I tune in again.
Correction for my previous post: India are awful.

e: I mean England are bad (you have to be to play Chris tweaking Woakes as a specialist bowler); but India are that much worse...
Correction for my previous post: India are awful.

e: I mean England are bad (you have to be to play Chris tweaking Woakes as a specialist bowler); but India are that much worse...

We still have 3 seam bowlers taking wickets and 1 spinner. I wouldn't say we were bad.

India have been very poor.

Great bowling from Woakes. Keep it up there lad.
India look like a shambles, just like England did for about a year. Confidence will be sky high for England

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