International Cricket 2010 Discussion Thread

Yes but to have a high-end performing gaming PC you need to upgrade it every 2 years, you have to fork out for anti-virus. I mainly use my PC and laptop for management games with the odd bit of Far Cry 2 and PES10 thrown in for good measure.

Quite frankly I think both consoles and PC's have their good and bad points, however the decision (at the moment) to not release on PC has nothing to do with specifications, and is down to the sheer fact they sold very little on PC with AC09.
Hmmm.. I dont think so. Once you got a gaming PC you can get pc games at cheap rate comparing to console and gaming pc is very little expensive than consoles and add all the costly consoles games price which will make the price of 15 games equal to new PS3..
that is One of The Reason ,that I will not Buy any Console until i get Well Settled,spending $60/Games is too Much to a Mediocre Family

Yes but to have a high-end performing gaming PC you need to upgrade it every 2 years, you have to fork out for anti-virus. I mainly use my PC and laptop for management games with the odd bit of Far Cry 2 and PES10 thrown in for good measure.
nope,you Dont need to Update Every Year or 2,I Brought Almost all Latest gadget when i brought my Pc,in 2008,After that i only brought a Second hand gfx Card,My pc can handle All Latest Games In high/Medium in a Good Resolution :)
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They've mentioned in the past how difficult it would be to add even a basic career mode, they would have to work on that and nothing else for a long time to do a career mode. I'd doubt it will be in this game. From the sounds of it, the game seems to just be the extra features that were half implemented then removed from AC09, hopefully combined with the patch. It will be essentially AC09 fixed, which means I'll be plonking down some cash on the 360 version when it comes out.

Yes its difficult,but they can start working on it for the next version so that they can get some more time.....

will their be no League Mode also,starting our own team in County or IPL,like Master League in PES????

Cricket gaming has to be upgraded from just hitting shots to something Simulation type....No game(in dev.) is offering career mode which is most wanted by all....

BTW,what about Gameplay,timing,fielding features etc.???Also Graphics seems to be overworked...Player kit in Bowler's Pic seems to be made of Plastic...They have done a lot of work on Hairs and Nails but not kits successfully,the green part is really looking Plastic and the Colors are very bright...It needs to be lowered down to add to Realistic game,Anyways,that can by our talented members...I have never played a codies game so unable to come to a point of how will this be....

A major question is being asked every now and then....Will it be for PC????
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will their be no League Mode also,starting our own team in County or IPL,like Master League in PES????
Of course not, it's "International Cricket" for a reason. I believe they have the rights to do England and Aus domestic, but you almost certainly won't see it this time around. I don't think a Master League sort of thing will ever come to Cricket games, but the devs did mention wanting to be the PES of Cricket (a cricket dispenser?), so it may well be a long term goal.

but they can start working on it for the next version so that they can get some more time.....
Not really, they get set development periods and only so much funding.

BTW,what about Gameplay,timing,fielding features etc.???
We will have to wait to get more details on that. Read over the announcement to get some details.
But the main problem about PlayStation is that if PS4 comes out then there will be very few games developing on PS3. Just take the case what happened to PS2. I don't know how long PS3 will stay but if PS4 comes out then it will just waste of money to spend on PS3.
I don't know how they think they're going to make the money on this one, calling it International Cricket is going to appeal less to the English and Aussies and I doubt there's much sales elsewhere. Also they've hardly done anything to satiate us, nothing is promised apart from Action Cam and Power Stick, two gimmicks.
^^^^^ dude ps2 is still the largest selling console for Sony
read it on gamespot dont have the link for that
also ps4 is not coming soon afaik
Ffs what's all this about upgrading a PC every two years! I bought my 9600GT two years ago, and its still going strong and I believe it'll still go strong for another 1.5 - 2 years. And the resolution I play them on is either 1080p (In like 40-50% of the titles) and 1680x1050 - still more than 720p, with AA. Games look so ugly without AA...

I've stressed it time and again, they're not as expensive as they're made to be. Take any PC bought in the last two years, add a video card (Around $100) and you're good to go. Some cases might require a bit more RAM, and that's around $20 more.

I'm not debating console vs. PC with this post, I'm just pointing out some of the misconceptions.
^^^^^ dude ps2 is still the largest selling console for Sony
read it on gamespot dont have the link for that
also ps4 is not coming soon afaik
How many games are released on PS2? I bet there will very few or none decent games which are made on PS2. It is no where near to the amount of games made for PS3.
FIFA 11 hasn't been confirmed in fact i'm not sure any EA Sports games have confirmed PS2 releases.
Ffs what's all this about upgrading a PC every two years! I bought my 9600GT two years ago, and its still going strong and I believe it'll still go strong for another 1.5 - 2 years. And the resolution I play them on is either 1080p (In like 40-50% of the titles) and 1680x1050 - still more than 720p, with AA. Games look so ugly without AA...

I've stressed it time and again, they're not as expensive as they're made to be. Take any PC bought in the last two years, add a video card (Around $100) and you're good to go. Some cases might require a bit more RAM, and that's around $20 more.

I'm not debating console vs. PC with this post, I'm just pointing out some of the misconceptions.
Following up on this, I think I did make a mistake, I didn't think about the laptop users... Yes well, I think that's a fair point. Gaming laptops are expensive, and generally not much use (Have you seen their battery life? Ridiculous in most cases), and much more backward in terms of their technology. So it only makes sense for someone who ALREADY has a laptop to go for a console, yeah.
Ffs what's all this about upgrading a PC every two years! I bought my 9600GT two years ago, and its still going strong and I believe it'll still go strong for another 1.5 - 2 years. And the resolution I play them on is either 1080p (In like 40-50% of the titles) and 1680x1050 - still more than 720p, with AA. Games look so ugly without AA...

I've stressed it time and again, they're not as expensive as they're made to be. Take any PC bought in the last two years, add a video card (Around $100) and you're good to go. Some cases might require a bit more RAM, and that's around $20 more.

I'm not debating console vs. PC with this post, I'm just pointing out some of the misconceptions.

That's one of the things some console-ites really need to get straight. The last really expensive upgrade I made was the new HDD (and that was a necessity because I was running out of space - it'd be just the same with a console). Before that, it was my graphics card and that was at least a year ago - maybe eighteen months, and I don't think it'll need upgrading for some time. The vast majority of games run beautifully on my machine - only GTA IV is playing silly buggers - it seems to be running worse than it was with the old O/S. I don't think it's optimised that well, to be honest.

Edit: Actually, the last time I spent more than ?100 on the system was probably about four years ago.

@K.I. - I wouldn't touch a laptop for gaming.

MasterBlaster76 added 3 Minutes and 4 Seconds later...

Yes but to have a high-end performing gaming PC you need to upgrade it every 2 years, you have to fork out for anti-virus. I mainly use my PC and laptop for management games with the odd bit of Far Cry 2 and PES10 thrown in for good measure.

I use free AVG, Spybot S&D and Adaware - I have not had any major issues. You certainly don't need to upgrade it every two years. Even when it is beginning to chug a bit, just lower the settings a bit! Most games look great even on medium settings these days.

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