International Cricket 2010 Discussion Thread

That's one of the things some console-ites really need to get straight. The last really expensive upgrade I made was the new HDD (and that was a necessity because I was running out of space - it'd be just the same with a console). Before that, it was my graphics card and that was at least a year ago - maybe eighteen months, and I don't think it'll need upgrading for some time. The vast majority of games run beautifully on my machine - only GTA IV is playing silly buggers - it seems to be running worse than it was with the old O/S. I don't think it's optimised that well, to be honest.

Edit: Actually, the last time I spent more than ?100 on the system was probably about four years ago.

@K.I. - I wouldn't touch a laptop for gaming.

MasterBlaster76 added 3 Minutes and 4 Seconds later...

I use free AVG, Spybot S&D and Adaware - I have not had any major issues. You certainly don't need to upgrade it every two years. Even when it is beginning to chug a bit, just lower the settings a bit! Most games look great even on medium settings these days.
Or an easier way, just drop the AA a bit, and have a huge increase in performance. Should be no complaints there, seeing most console games don't even employ basic AA!

Oh and yeah, it would be foolish to game on a laptop, I was just saying that I understand that it does only make sense to get a console, for the laptop users. But saying that desktop gaming PC's are expensive and need constant upgradation is just wrong.

EDIT - Nigel, one would use anti virus for normal PC's as well, wouldn't they? The only connection of anti virus and gaming is when people download off torrents! :p
Good point - AA/AF really kill the framerate, and as you said, console games don't even have any at all.

As for torrents, I steer well clear of them - as I said before, I don't do piracy and they're also an excellent way to land yourself with a nasty little virus. Do a search on Google for 'torrents' and you'll see a fair few of them are marked with either a cross or an exclamation mark (thanks, Mcafee Site advisor).
I tend to find performance is bad running most things on Medium, I just don't see the point in running a game at a fraction of it's potential. Note I did say "high-end gaming PC".
Good point - AA/AF really kill the framerate, and as you said, console games don't even have any at all.

As for torrents, I steer well clear of them - as I said before, I don't do piracy and they're also an excellent way to land yourself with a nasty little virus. Do a search on Google for 'torrents' and you'll see a fair few of them are marked with either a cross or an exclamation mark (thanks, Mcafee Site advisor).
I have summat like that thanks to AVG Security.
I just find the console games to be ridiculously overpriced. Over here new games cost something like US$90 if not more. Throw in a PS3 of US$600 and another couple of games and you have yourself enough cash to buy a pretty decent gaming pc.

I agree the mobility and no-fuss/no-installation is a big plus for consoles but its just severely expensive. And im pretty sure most other people on this forum who play on consoles use a pc anyway to go on this forum lol So you might as well combine the gaming/browsing on one decent computer.

Perhaps Im just sour because i dont have money for a console :P
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I think this thread is going to become popular. Not because of game, for the PC Vs Console debate.


I have summat like that thanks to AVG Security.

Yes. I changed to Mcafee Site advisor because I'd heard that AVG's Linkscanner slows your browser down a bit and my browser does seem to be a bit faster now.

I just find the console games to be ridiculously overpriced. Over here new games cost something like US$90 if not more. Throw in a PS3 of US$600 and another couple of games and you have yourself enough cash to buy a pretty decent gaming pc.

I agree the mobility and no-fuss/no-installation is a big plus for consoles but its just severely expensive. And im pretty sure most other people on this forum who play on consoles use a pc anyway to go on this forum lol So you might as well combine the gaming/browsing on one decent computer.

Perhaps Im just sour because i dont have money for a console :P

That's another problem. Console games are at least ?10 more than PC games, sometimes as much as ?20.

MasterBlaster76 added 1 Minutes and 37 Seconds later...

I tend to find performance is bad running most things on Medium, I just don't see the point in running a game at a fraction of it's potential. Note I did say "high-end gaming PC".

I wouldn't call dropping to medium, or reducing AA/AF a fraction of its potential. Sure, it's not quite as good as it could be, but it still looks more than good enough, especially compared to the consoles with their low resolutions, low draw distances etc, etc.
Am I the only one that caught the Styris cam joke? :laugh

Anyways, this is getting boring, how about a thread for PC vs Consoles and lets leave this thread for the Codies hate and speculation.
Am I the only one that caught the Styris cam joke? :laugh

Anyways, this is getting boring, how about a thread for PC vs Consoles and lets leave this thread for the Codies hate and speculation.

Please explain to all of us thicko's then, 'cos I don't get it! (meh, I couldn't even get herpes off Sarah "Spreads 'Em Like Margarine" Bates in sixth form). Good idea about the PC v Console thing.
Styris Cam, since its a close up of Mitch Johnsons face and him and Styris shared that kiss the other day.

Styris Cam, since its a close up of Mitch Johnsons face and him and Styris shared that kiss the other day.


Okay I get it: pretty good. Scott Styris actually reminds me somewhat of Sarah Bates but thats another story.
It *is* frustrating that games cost so much for consoles. New games have reached $120 here in Australia. I'd love to buy a new game every month, but it's just so unreasonable unless hMarka wires me some of his dough :D

But seriously, the signals from MattW are not promising when it comes to IC2010, with respect to content. I now doubt that stats tracking will be included either, which is a massive blow.
What signals? I doubt any of the Codies guys will show their face on here anymore. We know the scam they are trying to run. Give the PC guys the patch for free and then charge the console suckers 50 pounds for it.
Well MattW seems to have an inside track. Just an old-fashioned guess on my part there.

I doubt any of the Codies guys will show their face on here anymore. We know the scam they are trying to run. Give the PC guys the patch for free and then charge the console suckers 50 pounds for it.

There should be laws against it.
What signals? I doubt any of the Codies guys will show their face on here anymore. We know the scam they are trying to run.

Probably not with posts like this around ;)
Hard though it may be to believe employees of Codies don't particularly like personal abuse and Jamie Firth got a lot of it. I certainly wouldn't blame the new producer for steering clear.
That said I hope he'll look beyond that and engage with the members who don't feel the need to resort to vitriolic attacks. Not pointing the finger at you in particular - I just know that Jamie read most the comments directed against him and a lot of it was not pleasant.

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