International Cricket 2010 Discussion Thread

Yeah, I dunno how it'll work. To me, this seems like maybe some sort of first person cam or something close to it. No idea how it'll work in 2-player.

@Hitterman: 360 FAILS. PS3 is for serious gaming.

Looks like all the NTSC 360 owners can't even play the game anyway :laugh .

i just wanna know when i?m batting, will i see the opponents run-up from his or my point of view with the action cam???
Yeah, I dunno how it'll work. To me, this seems like maybe some sort of first person cam or something close to it. No idea how it'll work in 2-player.

@Hitterman: 360 FAILS. PS3 is for serious gaming.

Looks like all the NTSC 360 owners can't even play the game anyway :laugh .

I guess you are unaware about what an xbox 360 can do, when the PSN brings utter nonsense to the online multilayer mode, then its xbox live which gives a new dimension to it. Moreover PS3 has never seen games like Mass Effect, Gears of War, plenty more, its just one good game on it and thats God of War 3, to beat that Microsoft has Alan Wake. So just don't be a PS3 fan boy and comment ████ about the xbox 360, I own both. So personally I find the xbox 360 to better.
^ Yeah. Reminds me of kids fighting my daddy better then your daddy
To answer the question about cameras in multi-player...

As I understand it, online is fine - you still use the action cam to show whatever you're currently doing (i.e. if batting, view from batsman's camera). But I think that offline multiplayer reverts to the neutral ground that is broadcast camera. That's the only logical way to do it really.
Yeah. Reminds me of kids fighting my daddy better then your daddy
yep and in the end they say "mother is best" :p. Just like this, here people will say PC is best :banana2
yep and in the end they say "mother is best" :p. Just like this, here people will say PC is best :banana2

yup pc is the best most versatile,most powerful,much better gpus more editable more cheap(the games) has more funtions thenconsole he gmes are made on pc

so pc is the best :)

just like mother gives birth to the child pc makes the game
yup pc is the best most versatile,most powerful,much better gpus more editable more cheap(the games) has more funtions thenconsole he gmes are made on pc
Games on PC can be easily customized/modded whereas you can just kick your ass if you own a game on console.

I would just like to stick with my CC09 and C07. These 2 are best for me.
If you're bowling, you follow the bowler. If you're batting, you follow the batsman.

Is it possible to switch between action cam and broadcast view during the game (Online and Single player).

I assume broadcast is the only option available in multiplayer (local)
Games on PC can be easily customized/modded whereas you can just kick your ass if you own a game on console.

I would just like to stick with my CC09 and C07. These 2 are best for me.

You are absolutely right, PC rocks if one has got really good configuration. My laptop sucks for gaming:facepalm that's why I bought an xbox 360 and a ps3.
I am going to sell my PS3, anyone from India interested then PM me. Otherwise I'll sell it on ebay.
You are absolutely right, PC rocks if one has got really good configuration. My laptop sucks for gaming:facepalm that's why I bought an xbox 360 and a ps3.
I am going to sell my PS3, anyone from India interested then PM me. Otherwise I'll sell it on ebay.

i wish people make a new format like blu-ray which cannot be pirated then ps3 an 360 will just go down the trash

also for wats the price of you ps3 if it is below 7,000 i am intersted:p
also for wats the price of you ps3 if it is below 7,000 i am intersted
I am also ready if you sell it around 7,000:p. If you want I can buy under 7,000 also.;)

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