I hope you realise that PS3 uses Blu-Ray discs

thedon5 added 7 Minutes and 27 Seconds later...
I don't have a 360, but I have definitely played some 360 games at my mates' places, and they're bs. Gears of War is buggy as hell, trounced by Uncharted 2. God of War 3 is indeed awesome.
Live is also very laggy, MAG runs flawlessly with 100+ players playing a single match, 360 can handle what, 32 players max?
Killzone 2 and Resistance 2 (and Resistance 1) are much better games than Halo.
Something like Mass Effect or Alan Wake is the only thing that isn't available on PS3, but there's nothing like God of War or Heavy Rain on 360. And it's not even certain that Alan Wake will be amazing, as it still hasn't come out yet. Plus there is nothing like MGS 4 on 360. Demon's Souls, Yakuza, MLB: The Show... The list goes on, PS3 exclusives are much better.