International Cricket 2010 Discussion Thread

Why was that post written in verse?
many people here are familiar with my style
this habbit came from google talk and yahoo messenger.

I have a question too
If they are just patching the older version and releasing it as a new version with a new title then does it means that game is going to be out very soon ?
So building upon and developing a withstanding a title is now called patching is it?
Come on guys. This is good news. Hope Online stats can be sorted and quitters get found out.
Well i suppose I will have to get myself a console player; which way to go PS3 or Xbox. ( I know it is sad but my computer isn't really up to games anyway.) Bit off-topic but which way would you guys swing? ( In terms of consoles of course.)
Got to be ps3 mate, i look at it that you only get an xbox if you cant afford a ps3,
The x box is like the ugly chick you can take home whenever you want the ps3 is the classy one worth waiting for.
Got to be ps3 mate, i look at it that you only get an xbox if you cant afford a ps3,
The x box is like the ugly chick you can take home whenever you want the ps3 is the classy one worth waiting for.

Pretty much lol Yet I do prefer the xbox...price-wise its a very reasonably choice compared to the PS3. And especially over here in SA the PS3 is ridiculously expensive, upward of $650US
Whatever people say about prefering either console, people saying that people only buy 360's if they can't afford PS3's is totally stupid, and 100% not true. It's people who say this that will then bring up the old, you have to pay for the online.

Mate I would definitely go for the 360. Party chat allows you to talk with up to 8 different mates at the same time, without having to be on the same game. Awesome exclusives, Left 4 Dead, Forza etc... Whilst the marketplace on 360 is awesome with most of the dlc for games being 360 timed exclusives.
I just hope Rob will be on their staff. I've spoken with him before and he genuinely is a decent guy who cared about how the game works. That's our ray of hope.

Didn't see this before. Rob is not involved (but is probably lurking anyway so will see your kind words!)
Heath is still involved. What I'm trying to find out is if the base is the patched version of AC09 cos if it is you guys are in for a treat ;)
If it isn't then some people need their heads checked.
Lets just hope they actually worked on stats tracking and some more features than exhibition matches instead of that gimmicky action cam.
i hope they do more about online play

I was just thinking about this and you what would make online play (and perhaps the rest of the game) revolutionary from where it is right now?

The bowling cursor. Have it displayed to the batsmen player only 2-3 seconds before the ball leaves the hand of the bowler.

That pretty much would translate to batting in real life, except in RL you have around a second. That would really provide for some extremely realistic games, imo, where people would be forced to play defense shots, unlike the system we've had so far where you know where the ball is going to be pitched before the bowler even starts his run up and with this system you plan a strategy to make a run or more out of every single ball.
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For online play a few things are absolute musts:

a) punishment for quitters
b) indicator of how good the connection is before you start match
c) ability to save Test matches
d) stats tracking!
Dude, take any PC bought in the last 1-3 years, add a $70 video card (9600GT) [Might be around $80-$85 for some OEM's) and bang, you have that "gaming PC". The term is sooo misleading...

Except its nowhere as easy as that.

70$ GPU today on a 3yr old PC would mean you need to upgrade the Processor too if don't want a bottleneck. And it doesn't even begin there. What happens when you go out to buy a new Proccy+GPU and then find out the mobo is not compatible with the Proccy. Okay get a new mobo, but oh noes the PSU is not enough to power the new hardware. Get new PSU, and then it all works fine until you play for consecutive hours and all your hardware burns out and you find that cooling wasn't good enough to handle gaming-level component. Now get a new fan.

Now this is all assuming your old PC cabinet is big enough to accommodate the new hardware, also RAM isn't bottlenecking anything. Oh and chances are after spending this much there will be latest games out there your rig still can't run.

Oh man...the fliping horrors of PC gaming @__@ I'm happy to sacrifise mods to play on a big ass couch in front of my big ass LCD HDTV with a one time investment on consoles that guarantees all games to run properly.
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Got to be ps3 mate, i look at it that you only get an xbox if you cant afford a ps3,
The x box is like the ugly chick you can take home whenever you want the ps3 is the classy one worth waiting for.

Thats a bit harsh. I am no prince but i do have enough money that i can buy either PS3 or Xbox360. My brother has got a ps3 and i have xbox360. gameplay on xbox is much better imo. online comunity is bigger and better. i play online 95% of the time and for that you cant beat xbox. Nothing wrong with PS3 but its not for Hardcore player. if you dont play games too much then yes get a ps3.

And we all will buy this game regardless of new features or not. Admit it guys, we can jump up and down and request more and more features but we will buy it and play it. We cant help it. There is no other options...period.
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well at least, i hope that they have the Dubai or Abu Dhabi Stadium added in the game

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