International Cricket 2010 Discussion Thread

it also would be nice of codemasters to release an update of this game on the ps3 taking advantage of the playstation move
Man, lets close this can of worms. Consoles didn't get Cricket Revolution PC doesn't get IC 10. Even stevens :D

That is the worse comparison I have ever seen. I wouldn't even rate CR as better than the last cricket game, AC09.

So no, that is not "even stevens".
it also would be nice of codemasters to release an update of this game on the ps3 taking advantage of the playstation move

Way to early to even think of implementing move technology. The more established sports games will be the ones to give it a try first.

One more suggestion:

For online Test matches, how about allowing us to choose how many overs in a session. That way we could play 10-15 over sessions and finishing matches is more feasable.
Way to early to even think of implementing move technology. The more established sports games will be the ones to give it a try first.

One more suggestion:

For online Test matches, how about allowing us to choose how many overs in a session. That way we could play 10-15 over sessions and finishing matches is more feasable.

Nice one! :clap We should start a Q&A thread with good suggestions like these.

Dutchy, gotta get yourself a PS3. If online Test matches can be saved online, I could seriously envisage you, me and hMarka playing a Test series via 3 corners of the world!

Note: I acknowledge the world is a sphere, and thus has no 'corners' :laugh
Oh well, that's me not getting it. Yes, I have a 360, but there's no chance of me getting another cricket game on a console, I learnt that lesson with BLIC 2005 and 2007. The only way I'd get it is if it gets pretty much perfect reviews from people that know what their talking about. There's no way I'd have got as much use out of Cricket 2004 or 07 had I bought them on a console. Same goes for AC2009, although that was more to do with the beta patch from Transmission themselves. If the game sucks, your stuck with the state it's in with no prospect of the community being able to rescue it. At the same time though, I can understand the decision if the sales of AC2009 on the PC really were as bad as has been suggested.
Smart choice not releasing on PC. Im pretty sure most the people who say they've lost a fan on here would have just pirated it anyway. Hopefully they've got some of the transmission employees onboard. Developing on PC always holds a game back and im glad they've taken this step. Sadly PC games are no longer economically viable so until people stop pirating theres no way back.

You what? How does developing the game on PC hold it back? Name one game other than Fifa that has been dumbed down for the PC. Can't think of one? Didn't think so. Now have a go at naming the countless titles that have been dumbed down for the consoles! And no, I wouldn't have pirated it - I don't do piracy.
You what? How does developing the game on PC hold it back? Name one game other than Fifa that has been dumbed down for the PC. Can't think of one? Didn't think so. Now have a go at naming the countless titles that have been dumbed down for the consoles! And no, I wouldn't have pirated it - I don't do piracy.

You don't pirate, but millions of others do.
Steve, on a multi-platform release for a sports game, the vast majority of users are on PS3/360. I know this was the case for AC09 too, a teeny proportion were PC users.
Yup, but in development terms PC is the easiest platform to test on. None of us are going to have debugged PS3s and Xbox360s yet without the help of members here with PCs the AC09 patch would have fixed very little.
You don't pirate, but millions of others do.

I know, but I'm sick and tired of being tarred with the same brush.

Steve, on a multi-platform release for a sports game, the vast majority of users are on PS3/360. I know this was the case for AC09 too, a teeny proportion were PC users.

I know, but PC gamers have been treated really shabbily for a long time now. First the NG/CG Fifa nonsense, then the MW2 debacle, then Alan Wake being canned, and now this. We had to buy our machines too, we had to spend a damn sight more money on them so they could run the very latest technology, not several years out of date like the consoles. I'd like to ask the console-ites - how would you feel were you being treated this way?

Yup, but in development terms PC is the easiest platform to test on. None of us are going to have debugged PS3s and Xbox360s yet without the help of members here with PCs the AC09 patch would have fixed very little.

Exactly. Spot on, Colin!
Steve, on a multi-platform release for a sports game, the vast majority of users are on PS3/360. I know this was the case for AC09 too, a teeny proportion were PC users.

..... (I said Steve, not Stevie ;) )

At the same time though, I can understand the decision if the sales of AC2009 on the PC really were as bad as has been suggested.


As I said, I can understand it, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed. I just don't see anyone really wanting (EA)/being able (possibly Trickster) to make a cricket game good enough so that it doesn't require any patching. I'd rather play Cricket 2004 over the unpatched AC2009. AC2009 patched was a big improvement, but it was far from perfect and didn't hold my attention for all that long due to some glaring issues.

OMG stevie's posted!

It happens every now and then, when I'm extremely bored. :p
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I know, but I'm sick and tired of being tarred with the same brush.

I know, but PC gamers have been treated really shabbily for a long time now. First the NG/CG Fifa nonsense, then the MW2 debacle, then Alan Wake being canned, and now this. We had to buy our machines too, we had to spend a damn sight more money on them so they could run the very latest technology, not several years out of date like the consoles. I'd like to ask the console-ites - how would you feel were you being treated this way?

Exactly. Spot on, Colin!

Haven't you ever used a torrent? How about Limewire? I think anyone who owns a computer and a decent internet connection has file-shared at some point in their lives.

I'd like to ask the console-ites - how would you feel were you being treated this way?

Well specifically for AC09, the console-ites got totally shafted when no patch was released for them. At least you got to enjoy the two beta patches, as did I. Poor hMarka was in unpatched no-man's land!
Yup, but in development terms PC is the easiest platform to test on. None of us are going to have debugged PS3s and Xbox360s yet without the help of members here with PCs the AC09 patch would have fixed very little.

Their in-house testing should be suffice to not have to rely on a website of keen gamers to produce a patch which actually makes the game playable. With their resources available all their pre-Alpha testing should be done in-house, even if that involves bringing PC members in-house, which I believe TG did last year.
If I could choose 3 PC members who were permitted to go into the developers offices, and spend a good 20 hours there, as well as take the beta copy home each night to continue testing, I would choose MasterBlaster, hMarka and Dutch. A good mixture of honest criticisms and fresh ideas right there.

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