Muslims Allowed Girlfriends?

Are Muslims Allowed Girlfreinds?

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I think there is some confusion between the existence of God and the correctness of religious doctrine. The two have nothing to do with each other. Is the Pythagoras theorem suddenly false if I give an incorrect proof? For all we know, our Maker is out there laughing at our attempts to make sense of him.

Scientific theories can only be falsified, never verified. The gaps in Newtonian mechanics are too well-known to recount here, and the crowning achievements of modern physics -- general relativity and quantum mechanics - are known to contradict each other, so at least one of them rests on somewhat shaky grounds. As for evolution, it says nothing about the first cause, so you can't argue with the premise that the whole thing is a movie with a director who knows exactly what to do and how to do it.

The standard response to "before the creation of the universe", and one of the few places were St. Augustine and Stephen Hawking agrees, is that time itself is a property of the universe.

Oh, and it was Noah, not Moses. Does nobody read the Bible

I was going to say something but i thought i'd leave it as everyone understood it. :p

People are wrong it was energy which started the big bang.

So energy which came from nowhere, and happen at the exact millisecond which could allow life on one, or more, planets?

Thats Gods work i'm sure.

Yeh but you see, the question is where did that energy come from, and why did it occur. Questions which cannot be answered.


Energy is a normal substance even if theres nothing, theres energy.

Simply not true. There isn't always energy, theres alway something, but not always energy.

A concrete brink doesnt have energy does it. There are forces acting upon it which are energy, but the brink doesn't own its own energy.
Evolution and Religion are very similar in many, many aspects. Neither will ever be proven to be fact.
However, science is evidence based, and religion is not. It is faith based. People can believe in anything, not necessarily true, and I don't need to respect their views. Why do I have to respect ridiculous views ? A person may believe that the Sun revolves around the Earth. I can't do anything about his belief, but I'll certainly have no respect for it.

Also, as I have said before, just because Science may not be able to get an answer to "what started it all" (if it is an answerable question at all), doesn't mean that God must be assumed as the answer.
svijay said:
As for evolution, it says nothing about the first cause, so you can't argue with the premise that the whole thing is a movie with a director who knows exactly what to do and how to do it.

'About the first cause' meaning how everything was created? Yeh it's called the Big Bang theory.
Yep, time started with the universe. The universe itself warps time. It's a hard concept to grasp.

For example, the clocks on satellites that revolve round the earth, have to be constantly synchronised, because the time changes according to how fast the satellite moves ! The further you get away in orbit, the faster time ticks. If the clock set up on these satellites aren't constantly corrected, your GPS system would be wrong, by miles (literally).
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IMO there should be a balance in teachings of Science and Religions, at school.

Isn't The "Big Bang" a Theory?

I mean if there are scientists for the theory there are many against it?
A scientific "theory" is not meant as a theory that is used in common language. It's a model based on phenomena that can often be tested practically. In common usage, a theory is mere conjecture; not in science. Else the Theory of Relativity wouldn't have got a Nobel Prize. Same with the theory of Evolution or the Big Bang theory. Few scientists oppose the Big Bang.

The word theory has a meaning in different contexts. In maths, it's usually proof. Like Pythagoras Theorum - which is pretty hard to disagree with.

In my opinion, you show people evidence, ie. teach students science. Religion is a set of beliefs, which shouldn't be taught to children at school since it's got no logical basis. Outside school, one is free to think whatever he wants.
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A scientific "theory" is not meant as a theory that is used in common language. It's a model based on phenomena that can often be tested practically. In common usage, a theory is mere conjecture; not in science. Else the Theory of Relativity wouldn't have got a Nobel Prize. Same with the theory of Evolution or the Big Bang theory. Few scientists oppose the Big Bang.

The word theory has a meaning in different contexts. In maths, it's usually proof. Like Pythagoras Theorum - which is pretty hard to disagree with.

In my opinion, you show people evidence, ie. teach students science. Religion is a set of beliefs, which shouldn't be taught to children at school since it's got no logical basis. Outside school, one is free to think whatever he wants.

And In school your not allowed to practice upon your religon? What school do you go to?
Well, it shouldn't be, in opinion. Like it isn't allowed in France. And it isn't allowed in most subjects either. When answering a question on Evolution in biology, "God did it" is not an acceptable answer.
A scientific "theory" is not meant as a theory that is used in common language. It's a model based on phenomena that can often be tested practically. In common usage, a theory is mere conjecture; not in science. Else the Theory of Relativity wouldn't have got a Nobel Prize. Same with the theory of Evolution or the Big Bang theory. Few scientists oppose the Big Bang.

The word theory has a meaning in different contexts. In maths, it's usually proof. Like Pythagoras Theorum - which is pretty hard to disagree with.

In my opinion, you show people evidence, ie. teach students science. Religion is a set of beliefs, which shouldn't be taught to children at school since it's got no logical basis. Outside school, one is free to think whatever he wants.

Everybody should have a idea of major world religions, because you know Religion may effect persons life. OK I am not saying they should teach everything about religion, just the concept and what it is baised on. It may also help in your future life how to deal with a person from "bla bla" religion, also that you don't misunderstand people. It will also help if you wanted to become a politician or a leader. Also little bit of knowledge ain't bad ;).

Well, it shouldn't be, in opinion. Like it isn't allowed in France. And it isn't allowed in most subjects either. When answering a question on Evolution in biology, "God did it" is not an acceptable answer.

We use to have a hall in school for Friday prayers for all the Muslims to go to. Scotland that is.
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Yeah, I agree with you on that "God did it" is not an acceptable answer but all we know from the Quran (and I might be wrong here), is that the earth was created in 6 days. As far as I know, god did not specify how earth was created, and when a question comes up, than you relate to theories which were made by man kind.
Yeah, I agree with you on that "God did it" is not an acceptable answer but all we know from the Quran (and I might be wrong here), is that the earth was created in 6 days. As far as I know, god did not specify how earth was created, and when a question comes up, than you relate to theories which were made by man kind.
But....the world can't have been created in 6 days !! It's scientifically proven !

@Usy, yes RE lessons are okay, because people need to be aware why others believe certain things. I'm just saying those religions should not be taught as part of the curriculum. The biology lesson should not say : Theories for why we came here:
1) evolution
2) Christian view
3) Islamic view
Well, it shouldn't be, in opinion. Like it isn't allowed in France. And it isn't allowed in most subjects either. When answering a question on Evolution in biology, "God did it" is not an acceptable answer.

Thats because it's biology not R.E....
But....the world can't have been created in 6 days !! It's scientifically proven !

@Usy, yes RE lessons are okay, because people need to be aware why others believe certain things. I'm just saying those religions should not be taught as part of the curriculum. The biology lesson should not say : Theories for why we came here:
1) evolution
2) Christian view
3) Islamic view

Was anyone of us there at that time? Can you or a scientist give us a sample of this happening?
Scientists can prove 99.9% that the Earth and the solar system was created by the Bing Bang theory, like with all matters there is doubt, but considering it was billions of years ago we have more than sufficient evidence to prove that it was scientifically created. Which is why I'm an athiest.
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