New brian lara pictures

Some people are so stupid they don't realise that Tariq was quoting the_gas.
Oh man i got the joke! haha :rtfl its just that adding more confusion to the ppl who dont get it brings out some funny remarks. besides this thred truly is gettin a bit dry and thanks to the_gas its gonna be more fun again ;)

besides how come u gettin so serious abt the whole shpeel! we all do know its only a joke :s
glad to see the high level of this thread has been maintained :rolleyes:
Yeah even i would like to thanks u gas and i think rubbergenius honeymoon trips is over so we might have fact of the day tommorow hopefully
The sort of comment that make me mad. Look! I'm sweating! I need another shower! :mad
avirax said:
looks fairly cack

That very rude of u to say that to a company who just started making a good cricket game after years. When u get the game u will see how good it is.
How can realistic graphics and smooth animations look 'fairly cack'. The player models in Cricket 2005 look like Gorillas.

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