New Zealand in England

Will there even be play tomorrow? Or today since I'm typing this at 3 in the morning.
It seems to already be a spinners paradise. Only 38 minutes into the game, and Monty Panesar bowled his first bowl.

Listening to commentary in college, he has had a LBW appeal and nearly an edge.
LBW appeal hit the batsman well outside off. There was turn there for Monty, quite big turn at times. His control was a bit hit and miss.

Sidebottom has taken 2 wickets to stem the flow of runs from New Zealand, 96-2 at lunch. Those wickets made that an even session, I think.
We need some quick wickets, will be hard work batting against NZ here. Looks good so far but need to break this partnership. Broads got no wickets again :( Kept it tight though, not seen him bowl yetbut so far in his career he's not had much luck, just needs to keep bowling well and it'll come though. Really hope we break this partnership soon and finish with them at least 7 down by the end of the day, wishful thinking though!
England's day so far, Taylor and How have batted well, Oram looks awful atm.


Bad Light/Rain affects play, New Zealand finish on 202-4, Taylor looking good, Oram hit a couple of boundaries when they came back after the first break.

Maybe the Manchester weather is a factor in dropping them from the schedule, you could play till 8pm tonight down here, if you wanted to.
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Don't really agree with that though, all of the last 4 Lord's tests have had quite a lot of time taken out of the game due to bad light/rain. Last year I don't remember the Old Trafford test having time taken out of the game, and the year before against Pakistan, only a small period on the Saturday. We get an unfair stereotype to be honest, it's really not too much worse than most other places in the country!:p

I'm going tomorrow, so hoping for some decent weather, its forecast to be good.
God day for us. Except for Flynn of course. Unlucky for the ball to go through like that. Glad to hear he's ok and will bat still.

How looked great, can't blame him for getting out, pretty decent delivery. Taylor is also looking fantastic. Let's hope he can continue and get up to 3 figures. Hopefully we can register 400. It'd be a rarity and it's a long way off yet though.

I thought Vaughan's captaincy was shocking. He was all over the place that first hour and a half. Bowling a spinner with the new ball in test cricket is absurd. Sure, he got turn, but spinner's arn't used to the hard ball. He got dealt to as well. It's a shame McCullum got an edge, probably didn't need to go after that ball. Would have liked to have seen him have more goes at Panesar. I liked the positive attitude the openers had against him. I'd say James Marshall has the second innings to redeem himself or i'd bring in Fulton for the third.

Sidebottom to the rescue again really. He's really carrying your bowling attack. If he ever got injured you'd be in trouble.

I'm really disappointed we have O'Brien in the side over Patel. Since we bowl last presumably, it would really help us. Plus there is already huge assistance for the first day. I think by the fifth the pitch will be really spinner friendly.

I think this will be New Zealand win or else draw. Vettori will have a field day out there.
Vaughan's captaincy was shocking ? The quicks were going round the park, well Jimmy was, so Monty came on and stabilised. His captaincy when McCullum came in was fantastic, as soon as he came in, Monty was on, and got him out, then as soon as Oram came out, the quicks were back, and were told to be hostile, and use the bouncer. I thought he did really well yesterday, the commentators agreed aswell.

Sidebottom's not carrying the attack, i think that's quite offensive to Anderson and Broad actually. Anderson bowled well for the conditions, the figures may not show it, but he bowled with hostility, used the bouncer well, maybe used it abit too much, but he certainly shook up Flynn and Oram. Broad's a top quality bowler aswell, given the chance he'll be a top quality test bowler, we've certainly got better fast bowlers than the Kiwis, i don't rate Mills, Martin and O'Brien particularly highly tbh.

I do feel that New Zealand have been underestimated again on this tour though, they've got a solid batting line up with some top batsmen like McCullum, Taylor, How, Oram, Vettori, Flynn, just need to get the 2nd opening spot sorted, and number 3 aswell. The bowling attacks threatening enough aswell, not express pace, but they bowl good lines, and are consistent, especially Martin and Oram. Vettori's top quality aswell. I don't think this will be the easy series that we all thought it would be.
Wish i had gone today, oh well, stepdad working. Gave my tickets away for free, should have asked on here :p

We need to break this partnership, if we get one i thik we can run through them quickly but this is where England are pretty rubbish, when it gets tough.
Taylor looking excellent.

And I said Vaughan was shocking in that first hour and a half. Yeah, he wasn't too bad after, once things settled down a bit.

Broad is bowling too many short balls. The element of surprise is gone. Broad isn't really a destroyer. He'll get a few wickets here and there but over-all he's not that threatening. Anderson is good somedays/sessions terrible others. Sidebottom is the only one who can be relied on for wickets (seamer wise).

I'm not saying O'Brien or Mills are any better. Because they're not. Mills isn't too dissimilar to Broad actually.

I'm just saying, SA have a stronger batting line up by some margin and England will need more from those guys.
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Awful dropped catch from Anderson, saved by some brilliant fielding and terrible running by Oram.

Vettori might be out now aswell, extremely poor running from New Zealand. I'm sorry, but that's extremely terrible from the captain. Why would you not bother running your bat in ? Especially after seeing the lazy Oram doing exactly the same. That could be the moment that changes the test match in England's favour. Vettori's going to have to do some bowling to make up for that, really awful cricket from New Zealand, they're going to need Taylor to save them now.
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Here England, have two wickets. Really silly indeed.

So long as Taylor gets his hundred.
As it stands, this innings is heading towards a get out of gaol free card for England, having had their bowling attack dominated, but NZ will be lucky to score 350.

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