New Zealand in England

1)how Collingwood can carry on in the side without scoring any runs this summer,
2)how Broad can average over 40 with the ball against an ordinary kiwi batting line-up and be part of a four man attack,
3)how Anderson can concede at six an over and be kept,
4)how Vaughan can be kept as captain when the side is uninspiring with him in charge.

1) I definetly agree with this comment. Collingwood's showed no form, and shouldn't be in the team I don't think. So what if he's achieved in the past, he's done nothing in test cricket for the past year. He was in awful form in New Zealand, and his bowling doesnt offer wicket taking oppurtunities. Luke Wright would be a much better option.

2) Broad's got massive potential. I wouldn't write him off yet. He hasn't performed in test cricket as of yet, but his time will come.

3) Anderson's been our best quickie in this test. His selection has been justified.

4) Vaughan's not the reason why we're in a mess. His captaincy has been top quality, and if he fails to inspire the team, how come we bowled New Zealand out in 48 overs or so yesterday ? Surely that shows he's given the team some inspiration, and he certainly inspired the team with his hundred at Lords. Just a shame his negative attitude against Vettori rubbed off on the rest of the batting line up.
I agree with leaving Collingwood out of the next match, but I wouldn't put Luke Wright in his place. Owais Shah would get it from me. If England ever relied on Collingwood's bowling we were in a very bad state, someone who can bowl is not needed in his position.
I wouldn't drop Bell, he averaged 50 in the series in New Zealand - seems a little harsh to drop him after 1 and a half poor tests.
Did Ian Bell just use "New Zealand use negative fields" as an excuse? Unbelievable.

The bowling has been very accurate. It's almost like he expects to be given freebies.

Edit: An hour in and i'm pretty sure we're going to lose this now. Typical NZ performance really. Perform well for a few days then drop off and give the game away.
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rofl at New Zealand. That is really really poor stuff by the Kiwis. All out for just over 120 in your second dig to give England only 280 to chase. Monty Panesear, what a legend. 6/37, that is amazing!

Actually Australia did pretty similar. Pretty poor stuff by the southern hemisphere teams.
send Anderson back to the Lancashire league,

I disagree and think that Anderson is the pace option that England need to inject some energy into a situation when the opposition is ticking the runs over. In the first innings, he dismissed the second and third top run scorer in the innings. In the second innings, he got the all important first wicket, dismissing Redmond. I believe the problem lies in Stuart Broad, who is not ready for international cricket as a bowler. He is the one who currently averages 46.92 with the ball compared to Anderson's 37.92 and good strike rate of 59.7 whereas Broad takes 92 balls to take each Test wicket.

Regardless, England are fighting hard and are in the box seat, now (I am aware that Strauss/Vaughan partnership came way after your post).

Totally agree with this.
New Zealand are a team we should be playing aggressively against and crushing by an innings in test cricket - especially after the players they've lost.
To be winning narrowly would not be good enough, to be staring down a 190 run first innings deficit is absolutely shocking. I think this NZ team have a lot of spirit and a lot of fight but I don't think they're all that good. This is a series between two mediocre teams and since one of them puports to be the second best side in the world that just isn't good enough.

You are underrating New Zealand severely. Ross Taylor was the star of the New Zealand first innings and he is marked as New Zealand's most talented batsman and one of the most talented in the world. Iain O'Brian bowled with superb consistency in the first innings to right handers (just one ball did not pitch in the corridor) and earned his 3 wickets, which he would have got against any team, on the Old Trafford surface. Vettori also earned his wickets too, bowling with flight and guile. England have merely been matched by a fine New Zealand performance. New Zealand in England is as near as New Zealand will get to playing at home, outside New Zealand, due to the similar pitches, too.

I agree with leaving Collingwood out of the next match

Averages 28.22 this year, hardly worthy of a drop for a man who averages over 40 in Tests.
No Manee we aren't undervaluing New Zealand, we shouldn't be getting beaten by them at home. No side bar Bangladesh and Zimbabwe should.

It's time for Pietersen to stop being a bell end and see us home now.
Monty Panesear, what a legend. 6/37, that is amazing!

It really was a very good spell. He suddenly upped his pace, during the spell, which made him a far better bowler. Bowling at 57mph with massive revolutions, it was a masterclass on how to bowl to a pitch with many rough patches.
Averages 28.22 this year, hardly worthy of a drop for a man who averages over 40 in Tests.

STUFF the averages. 28.22 isn't good enough anyway... he needs a kick up the backside.
No Manee we aren't undervaluing New Zealand, we shouldn't be getting beaten by them at home. No side bar Bangladesh and Zimbabwe should.

Yes Matt (;)), you are undervaluing them. England have underperformed in this match, but every Test side has bad games (just look at Australia), especially against teams who have performed well in conditions similar to their home conditions.

manee added 0 Minutes and 23 Seconds later...

STUFF the averages. 28.22 isn't good enough anyway... he needs a kick up the backside.

What did he do wrong?!
Why should Collingwood be dropped when we've got Bell and Pietersen in worse form? I say we drop none of them, it's solidarity in selection that makes great teams.
Collingwood doesn't need a kick up the backside, what he does need is a shoulder operation. But it think it shows the lack of confidence the backroom staff have in a potential replacement that he hasn't had one yet.

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